Chapter 5: Princess!

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"...gisa-kun. Nagisa-kun?"

"H-huh?" I jerked up, startled. Koro-sensei was standing in front of me. "You've been spacing out. Is everything okay?" Koro-sensei asked, sounding concerned.
"N-no, I'm fine," I replied.

I didn't get any sleep last night. Karma's words had left me wide awake. From the corner of my eye, I could tell he was watching me even now.

"So as I was saying," Koro-sensei said, walking up to the teacher's table,"we should organize a play this time for the school festival. I leave the script to you all. We will decide the story by votes. What do you all suggest?"

"Sir," Okuda-san raised her hand. "I think it would be best for the theme to be 'Comedy'."
"That is a wonderful idea, Okuda-san!" Koro-sensei said cheerfully.

"We can do a funny Prince-Princess story, Koro-sensei!" Ritsu suggested.
"Huh? What are we, five? No one wants a story like that." Terasaka snapped, and Ritsu burst out crying.
"Sorry," he muttered when everyone stared at him accusingly.

"I think Ritsu-chan's idea was great, sir!" Kayano suddenly said,"I have a great script in mind!"
"That's great, Kayano-san!" Koro-sensei said, clasping his tentacles together. "We will vote on the stories you all come up with."

Some others came up with good ideas, too. But the voting was won by Kayano's story.
It was a hilarious story about a prince and a princess who are not sure if they love each other or not.

The characters were to be voted, too. There are many pretty girls in my class, but Kayano said she needed the princess to be 'cute'.

I think you can guess what happened after that. Yes, more than half the class voted for me.

"C-come on guys, I'm not even a girl! There's no way I could be the princess!" I protested desperately, but to no avail.
"But Nagisa-kun," Sugino said, "you're cutest person in this class! We all think you would be perfect for the role!"

"Now then, let's decide who the prince would be!" Kayano started to make the chits, but was stopped by someone.

That 'someone' was Karma.
"Isn't it obvious? I would be the prince!"
No one seemed to have any objection to that, and thus it was decided, with me as the princess and Karma as the prince.

"Nice to meet you, my Princess."
Karma said softly to me, and I couldn't resist blushing.

All I could do now was hope that I don't get into any funny situations!

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