Chapter 6: Practice!

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"Raise your hand higher, Nagisa-kun!" Kayano instructed me.

"Like this?" I asked, wondering why I was raising it in the first place.

Yesterday we had decided all the roles, and now we were practicing for the play.

"Okay, now Karma-kun, you have to walk from there and take his hand," Kayano told Karma, who readily came up and gently held my hand. (Like a prince!)

A song was to be played in the background, and Karma and I were supposed to dance on it.
"All you have to do is step front and back," Kayano said, showing us how to do it.

Suddenly, Koro-sensei, along with Karasuma-sensei, came into the class.
"Nagisa-kun, your mother has come here," Koro-sensei said, much to my horror.
"She said she had something important to give you." Karasuma-sensei added, and my worst fears came to light.

"I brought your dress, dear!" My mom came in with a bag in her hand.
She opened it and took out a pink gown, all frilly and groomed with ribbons. "Here, the princess must look pretty, right?" She handed it to me with a smile.

Let me tell you, I've been through hell yesterday.
Kayano had handed me the script of the princess, and as my luck has it, my mom found the script.
As soon as she got to know I was playing the princess, mom pulled out dozens of gowns and dresses from the cupboard, and made me try on every single one of them!

And here she was, with the gown she chose, which was so feminine even girls wouldn't want to wear something like that!!

I saw some of the others holding back their laughter, but the rest were really cracking up!
"Uh... thanks mom, I'll be sure use it. We need to practice now, so would you mind leaving?" I made sure to use my politest tone, in case mom was in one of her 'moods'.

Mom smiled and nodded, and was about to leave, when Karma suddenly said, "Don't you think Nagisa-kun will have trouble putting on the gown on his own, Mrs.Shiota?"

Mom turned back, surprised.
"Why, of course he would! What a thoughtful friend you have, Nagisa!"

And so, mom 'helped' me wear the thing, while I was cursing Karma the whole time.

I showed up in the classroom dressed in the gown which destroyed my pride as a man, my long hair open behind me. I saw everyone staring at me, and felt so, so embarrassed I wanted to die!!

"Now you look so cute, just like a princess!" Mom said, all too happy.
"Thank you mom, now do you mind leaving?" I muttered.
"Best of luck for your play, honey!" Mom gave a little wave before leaving the room.
As soon as she did, all the others started laughing.

"Nagisa-kun, you look way too good in that!" Sugino said, wiping his tears.
"I knew you'd be the best for the princess!" Kayano said, her eyes sparkling.
Even Koro-sensei's face was all pink!

I angrily turned towards Karma.
"Karma-kun, why did you say that to my mom?! Everyone's laughing at me, and it's your fault!"
The class was in total chaos, and no one noticed as Karma kissed me on my cheek. "You look so cute, I wanna eat you up right now, Nagisa-kun." He whispred into my ear.
I knew I was blushing.
That was how the first day of our practice came to an end.

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