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Gob did not understand why they needed to go to the market. Everyone in the losing of Xan was here in the palace but no matter, it gave him and Rutherford an avenue to escape and check on his home.

It wasn't long ride from the palace, Rutherford had lingered behind, when he found an opening he steered his horse in the direction of his house.

Yart was smoking on his pipe, his steed trotting beneath him.
Whoever these bandits were, they would need supplies and what better place than the market. He had to admit, whoever led these men was good and got him curious.

Ten men arrived the market accompanying the commander Paul and the high commander Yart. Commander Paul assigned five men to Yart, naturally, he included Gob.
Gob was ready to take a tour of the market when Yart called to him.
"boy! " Gob ran down to him
"why did you think I brought you here"
"because you need my help" Gob replied confidently.
Yart chuckled
"of course I need your help, I need your help filling this"
Yart produced his toy.
"tobacco litters the west of this market. Fill this and bring me two extra barrels"
Gob couldn't believe it, Yart had brought him all the way to the market just to fill his nonsensical pipe with tobacco, but he knew better than argue with the high commander in public.
With a murderous look on his face, he received "the toy"

Yart was now down to being accompanied by four men, he felt like a general again he loved being in an entourage. He laughed inwardly at the prank he played on Gob. He missed the feel of tobacco through his lungs and hoped the boy made haste.

Arrows flew in, he caught the two directed at him, the rest if his men fell lifeless. Bandits surrounded him, he didn't resist.
He was taken deep into the market. Specifically the section dedicated to the sales of linen.
It was in one of the stalls that the high commander was tried to a chair.

Gob was enjoying himself wandering through the market.
He had gathered enough tobacco to take the old fool a couple of months.
As Gob was on his way to catch up with the others, someone stepped out of one of the stalls in front of him, it was the unnamed.

The unnamed's identity was hidden safely within his hood. Instinctively, Gob reached for his blade. He swung it with precise accuracy. The unnamed nimbly sidestepped the blade. A punch to the temple sent the ear archer to the ground unconscious.

Yart was being watched by a lone archer, a piece of clothing was draped over his mouth. He could have broken free but he was curious, the man behind the attacks, he wanted to know.

The unnamed strode in closely followed by Hawk and six men.
Yart drew a sharp breath. Just one look at the figure told him he was the leader.
Judging by the focus on the faces of his men, the man was no joke. Yart was an automatic fan.
It was needless to say he was impressed. Now all that remained to satisfy his curiosity was a look at his face.
The unnamed took of his hood, Yart froze, the air in his lungs depatiated.

With a stoic face, the unnamed spoke
"hello father"

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now