chapter 8

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Ebony heard Skypelt come in and lie down. She was scared and hurt that her new pack didn't except her. Her eyes squeezed shut tighter as another set if paws entered the den. The wolf spoke. "Skypelt, How could you?! Are you fox brained?! Everyone but you can see that Berrytail has feelings for you!"

"Well I don't have feelings for her. Besides I already announced that she was Luna. I'm sorry Shiverfur." Skypelt replied cooly.

"Well you aren't rockheld yet so you still have time to make the right choice." Annoyed, Shiverfur stalked out of the den.

Skypelt sighed. "Ebony, ignore her. Your perfect to me okay? I love you."

Ebony looked at him and stood, the fur along her spine bristling. "No! she's right! They hate me! You need to be with Berry-what's it. She obviously likes you and I'm just a random she wolf that just arrived and to the pack, I look like an ambitious intruder who just stalked I here and took their leader out from under their paws! Just forget about me and leave me alone! I don't want to be Rockheld! never have and never will! Just leave me alone Skypelt. I'm just another one of your Omega's." she snapped at him with her teeth bared.

Ebony stalked out of the den to find the pack looking hostly at her. She sighed and walked to a shady place on the edge of the pack camp. No one paid her any mind.


Ebony's eyes snapped open when her nose caught scent of Skypelt. He was walking away but looked over his shoulder at her. His tail dragged in the dirt and his ears lay flat against his head.

Berrytail bounced over to him and started to try to charm him. He ignored her and ambled over to his dark, empty den. Ebony watched him go and felt bad about what she had said to him. She sat up and began to stretch. She stood up and shook all of the debris from her pelt.

She trotted to Skypelt's den and walked slowly inside. He was laying on his pelts facing the wall with his head between his paws. "Skypelt? I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

He jumped at the gentleness in her voice. He stood up and stretched before sitting down again. "It's okay. I understand. You feel scared and like you don't belong. I felt that way too. My mum was pack leader before me with my dad but they both went to hunt for the pack and the deputy, Flutterwhisker came back saying that the humans had taken them. I was told that I was the new alpha but the pack resented me. It was scary because of the sudden responsibility but I didn't fit in because no one liked me. I understand the stress your under." He pressed his nose to her shoulder and she licked his ear.

"I'm sorry." was all she could say.

They curled side by side in the pelts and fell asleep.

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