
445 18 10

Trigger warning: this chapter contains a small amount of blood and such things.

Everyone wore black, it was the color for disguise, which meant, today was the day.
The street was empty while you silently jumped from one side of the street to another. The location of Pink was very... peculiar. No one could even imagine of a place like that in a thousand of years. You and Trixie hid behind a garbage can in front of... the Italian Restaurant. Yes she was hiding there. 'You got it?' Asked Trixie while whispering. You winked as you took a small bomb from your pocket. You threw it in front of the street. 'Cover your ears!' You said.
'BOOOM' A small explosion happened.
The door of the restaurant opened quickly. 'What?' Stephanie stood there trying to see something beside the smoke covering everything. As the smoke disappears she caught a shadow. She took her knife. 'Got youuuu' She said playfully. 'You aren't that smart Y/N!' She continued. But when the smoke caught off it wasn't you, it was...' Tr... Trixie?!' Stephanie yelled. Trixie waved and kicked Stephanie in the head. She fainted. 'GO GO, IT WONT LAST FOR LONG!' Trixie yelled at you. You ran inside.
Time skip.

After walking through a lot of traps you finally arrived to a dark room. It gave you chills because of the flashbacks of THAT room that she kept you in. Which was similar to this room, but gladly, it wasn't that room.
'SPORTACUS! ROBBIE!' You screamed for your friends. You heard sobbing from a corner, so you turned you flashlight on and followed the sound. 'R... Robbie?' You asked carefully. The sobbing continued, you got near. It was Robbie, but he was damaged. His left arm was full of blood. 'Robbie!' You screamed and got near to his cage. 'I'm going to take you out, I promise, calm yourself please.' Even tho you were saying this words you were freaking out as you said it. Robbie kept sobbing and started balancing both ways. 'I'm going to...' You stood up, time to find this damn keys. You opened every drawer, every fridge, but nothing. 'She must have them...' You thought while hitting your thumb. You glanced at the other cage, Sportacus was sleeping. 'Don't worry, I'll save you and Purple soon.' You whispered and then silently ran outside.
Smoke, so much smoke. 'What happened...' You thought to yourself in front of the Italian restaurant's door. 'Oh hi, I'm glad you joined me here. Bad idea sweetheart.' Stephanie walked out of the smoke with a bleeding knife. She was.. carrying something, no, someone, she...
Was carrying Trixie.
Trixie was dead

HIII!! I haven't updated in so long I'm so so so so sorry. I'm on my vacations so I'll try to update once a week, anddd this story is soon coming to an end. I have the plot and everything. Thank you for supporting it btw!! :D ok bye!

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