Chapter 24

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A/N: Yasss glad you guys liked the last chapter!Hopefully _LucayaFeels doesn't kill me for how I ended this chapter.  haha this chapter is filled with some funny Riley/Maya and then some good Lucaya/Gabe towards the second half. Enjoy. 

Maya POV

I fell asleep in Lucas arms shortly after we made love. Being with him is never short of amazing. I feel so loved when I am with him. I'm so glad that he is mine and that he's back with me. Lucas being the best boyfriend ever let me sleep until 11AM. When I finally got the urge to grab my cell phone I noticed there was a text from him. I couldn't help but smile when I saw what he had said.  

"Good morning beautiful my beautiful shortstack of pancakes.  I hope that you slept well. I just wanted to let you know that I took Gabe out for breakfast and afterwards we are going to hit up the afternoon baseball game. I surprised him with tickets this morning. I forgot to tell you about it yesterday. I love you and I hope this is okay with you that I just took him. Last night was amazing. You're amazing and you complete me. " - Lucas 

"Good morning my handsome knight in shining armor. It's fine that you took him to the game. He needs this time with you. Not only are you the best boyfriend and lover but you're also and incredible Daddy. Gabe and I are so blessed. Have fun at the game today. I know he's probably very excited. I love you to the moon and back. I'll be here waiting for you guys to get home." - Maya

After I sent the text to Lucas I decided to get something to eat. I settled on oatmeal and some fresh fruit. I had just sat down on the couch and was flipping through some channels when Riley burst through the door. I looked up at her as she walked over and made her self home by sitting down beside, 

"You know Riley, it's common courtesy to knock before you come into someones house. I could have been fucking Lucas on the couch you know. " I said to her and she just rolled her eyes at me. 

"Relax Peaches. He text me this morning to come hang out with you since he was taking Gabe to the game." she replied. "Besides you get pretty loud when you have sex so I always know once I reach the door and don't hear anything that it's okay to enter." she replied. 

I looked at her and just shook my head "Seriously Riley? When have you ever heard me have sex?" I said to her. 

"The many times that you and I stayed back home for the weekend when  Mom and Dad would take Gabe and Auggie to see Grandma and Grandpa in Philly. Don't even try to deny it! You would sneak guys into your room all the time." she replied. "There are also the times that when we lived together and you'd come home wasted." 

"This is so embarrassing Riley." I replied.

"Don't be embarrassed. Farkle and I have had our fair share of loud moments.  We can get kind of rowdy and loud if you know what I mean." she said I put my hand up to stop her from going further. 

"I'm good on the details." I replied. "How have you been? 

"I've been good. But the question is how are you? Mom told me you were upset yesterday." she asked me as she grabbed a strawberry out of my bowl. 

"Keep your hands out of my food. God only knows what you have done to Farkle this morning." I retorted and she laughed. "There is some fruit in the fridge. And I'm much better." 

Riley stood up off the couch and made her way inot the kitchen "It's incredible how sex can change a persons mood." she said as she went into the kitchen and got a bowl out of the cupboard. "But that's besides the point. I'm glad you found Lucas. I really am. You just seem so much happier, Maya. Its really good to see you so upbeat." 

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