Chapter 9- My First Friends

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Claire's POV

The next day, I got up, threw on my purple sparkly shirt, and some shorts and wheeled downstairs. It was another day of long, boring, and scary school.

"Good morning Claire" my mom said. Just then Amelia and Jake hopped downstairs and and ate some Fruit Loops. I had some scrambled eggs. They warm texture made my worried ness clear...only a little bit.

I sighed as I wheeled up the ramp. "I can't go to school again today" I thought to myself. "What will happen? Will those girls make fun of me again?"

I got in the car once again, and mom drove me to school. Once I got to school, I just sat in my wheelchair in the schoolyard. Just then Delaney came up to me, and said, "Hey, sorry about what happened yesterday, but, like, you should really like try to work on like being normal."

I stuck my tongue out at her, and she just started laughing. She made the L sign on her forehead. Just then, a girl in my class named Annie and Katie came over and scolded Delaney. "Leave her alone" said Katie. "Ya" responded Annie.

"How would you like if you were disabled " they both asked Delaney. "I don't care what it would be like, because I'm never gonna be like her" replied Delaney.

"Ya know, she's got a name, it's Claire NOT her and I think it's a lovely name" said Annie. "Whatever" said Delaney, and walked over to her group of friends.

"Thankyou" I said, "you have no idea how much that meant to me." I smiled. "No problem, Claire." Replied Katie. "So Claire, you seem nice, how would you like to hang out with us at recess, and maybe even sit next to us at lunch?"

I giggled. "I would love to!" I exclaimed. "Good. Meet us at the statue of the duck, and let's, walk, and talk!" Said Annie. "Deal!" I replied. They walked away, and I shrieked. I had just made my first ever friends. I have soooo much to tell mom and dad tonight...

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