Tune 29

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Recap: Ragini completed reading the diary

Ragini opened the door and shocked to see Sanky with Vibha, who is side hugging Sanky.

Ragini opened the door and shocked to see Sanky with Vibha, who is side hugging Sanky

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An innocent Vibha asked "sanskar.... Where we are? Who is she?" Sanky made Vibha laid on bed, and said "later I'll tell you everything now just sleep" Vibha nodded and closed her eyes while Sanky caressing her hair. Ragini stood still. She is unable to understand what's happening. After a while Vibha slept and Sanky came out....

San: Ragini..... this is....

Rag: Vibha..... your love interest.

Sanky was stunned..... he tried to say something but before that Ragini gave handed the diary in Sanky's hands. Sanky don't know what to say.....

Ragini broke the silence by asking, "she went to abroad na.... what happened? I mean how you found her here?"

Sanky: voh... Mr. Metha presented a new car.... I was coming to home.... suddenly someone came in mid..... I went down and shocked to see Vibha.... Crowd formed..... I asked for help then I took her to near by hospital.... Dr. examined her..... and told she got heavy injury in head. So take care of her.

Ragini: oh... ok. She was about to leave then Sanky stopped her. She nodded what?

San: voh.... After a while I went to her ward

Flash Back opened.....

Vibha slowly opened her eyes.... Her vision was blur..... slowly it focused and found Sanky.... She woke and hugged him without wasting a second.... Sanky didn't reciprocate.

Sanky..... we went to coffee day na now I'm here? How I came here? What happened to me? Vibha asked to Sanky

Sanky pov: what she is blabbering? When we went to coffee day.... It been years ago....

Vibha again asked what happened to me? Sanky faked a smile and excused himself and went to doctor.

San: dr. she is telling old incidents.... I don't know what happened to her?

Doc: may be she lost her memory... partial memory loss is possible in such cases..... Because she got heavy injury.... Don't try to make her remember anything.... Let her in her way.... Manage the situation.... Keep her away from stress. Suddenly she came to know the truth then that will cost her life. So be careful.

Sanky went to Vibha..... "Sanky.... Bhai went to business trip.... He will come back after two days only... so shall I come with you..."

Sanky don't know how to refuse he nodded in yes and took her to apartment....

Vibha: Sanky... when you shifted from hostel?

Sanky realised what he had done and managed "voh.... I thought to do my studies in correspondence so I took rent house..."

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