Entry 6

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My facade fell.

You broke me.

Are you happy now?

Today, you called me fat again.

When I did nothing

said nothing,

felt anything,

I wonder what expression you wore.

For someone like you to stop.

To stare.

To flinch.

Did I really look that helpless?

But when I left, you did nothing.

said nothing,

only stared

and stared



And maybe, just maybe, a part of me, still alive and very much still fighting, couldn't take seeing that look.

Like something bitter had curled up and died.

Like I'd lost the only control I'd ever had.

So I left.

I stopped myself from eating.

But by lunch, I gave in.

And you saw.

You saw and you smirked and you called me fat.

And that...

That was routine.


I don't know who I hated more in that moment.

You, for stopping myself from healing,

or me.

Me for feeling relief, knowing that nothing would change if I continued down this path of self-destruction.

The reliability of habits.

The only control in this chaos I call my life.

And perhaps,

My downfall, in the end.

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