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    I ran out the door and all the way to hopes house.

I called hope and told her about what happened, my parents, the cuts, and, Ethan and Grayson. 

I finally got to hope's house and locked Ethan and Grayson out because they were still running after me.

While I was talking to hope I saw the sleeve of my shirt, it was all bloody what a good day to wear a white shirt (note sarcasm).  We were talking than got interrupted by  a knock on the door.  We looked outside it was Ethan and Grayson. "Shit" I said.  I ran to the bathroom to clean the cuts and the blood and I made hope give me one of her shirts. When I was done I explained everything to hope than they knocked again and this time on the windows too. "What the fuck do they want now!!" I whisper yelled.   "Hope can I please please spend the night I don't wanna talk to them" " of  course but ur gonna have to  sooner or later you know that right" she said "yeah but I don't wanna right now because they will be mad , and be disappointed in me" I said  sadly. "Ok" she responded.  We looked outside they where STILL there. "What the hell why are they still here" I said annoyed.  "Idk but let's go to sleep I'm tired" "ok me to" I simply respond.

   ~The next morning ~

I looked at my phone and saw we were late for school so I quickly looked outside.  "What the hell, did they sleep out there?!?" I kinda yelled waking Hope up " what are u talking about" she said while getting up and stretching  

" They are still there"I said.  

AN: heyy I'm back sorry I've been so inactive, but go read "Kira" by castleberry_finn for hopes POV   I will be more active hopefully. Hope u like my story    Word count: 321

        ~ kiki💖.

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