The call

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     I took my phone and called Camron

              Calling cam......

C= Camron E= Ethan

E- hey have u heard about what happened?

C- no what happened? what's going on? are u guys ok?

E- umm yeah we are ok but mom and dad aren't

C- what do u mean......

E-  umm  cam, mom, and dad they umm...

C-Ethan they what?!?

E- cam they died....

C- omg no no no please tell me ur lying!?

E- I wish I was cam

C- omg ok. ill try and catch a flight tomorrow, how are you, gray, and kira doing, are u guys ok?

E- well umm, there are some things happening, but we will tell you when u come, it'll be more easy that way

C- umm ok? but who is it about?

E- its about kira, and grayson.

C- ok I hope they are ok, but hey listen I got to go I have a class in 10 minutes , i'll call u later.

E- ok cam peace. see you tomorrow

C- ok bye E

and with that she hung up.

AN; hey guys, sorry  this is such a short chapter. sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I have been busy and things have been going on in my life but ily all and peace <3

instagram : @ bruhitzgrethan_

word count: 221

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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