Infection: part 1

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Pvt. Wilkins trudged slowly through the snow. The Year is 1945, near the end of WWII. He saw a small farm house in the distance. "possible shelter." he muttered to himself. As he approached the small house he noticed a dead nazi laying in the snow just outside the house. He approached the body with caution. "what the hell?" he asked himself as he got closer. There were not bullet wounds but blood trickled out of its mouth and eyes. He pulled the knife out of his boots and kneeled in the snow next to the body. The hands were frozen shut but he noticed a paper clenched in the white and black frozen hand. He reached down reluctantly and tried to pull the paper from the hand. it was no use, the hand was too frozen. He clenched the hand and tried to pry the fingers open. He snapped off three fingers with a sickening cracking sound. He pulled the paper out of the hand and read it. 'test sequence 374 is in full swing. Report to the nearest base immediately.' " what is all of this?" the Pvt. Mumbled. He gently tucked the paper into his pocket and continued to search the body. After a full analysis of the body he tucked his knife back into his boot. He gently stood and turned to walk away. The body slowly opened it eyes and stood behind to Pvt.

Year 2012, December 24, in a secret nazi facility. "Doctor Edward, the missiles are prepped and ready for launch." said a small, rough looking man. "good, we will launch at sunrise. We will finally crush the Americans and the Reich with rise once again!"

December 25, 2012. The Germans have launched a deadly virus into the United States of America. The Germans targeted all of the major cities in the USA. The virus is In to form of a gas, if inhaled, it targets the brain stem, setting into motion a series of events. Within one hour of inhalation all bodily functions are shut down. After three-four hours oh inhalation intense fever, headache, seizures, bleeding from the eyes and mouth, and possible black, green, and red boils will occur. Five-seven hours after inhalation the brain shuts down and death occurs. Time ranging from one to 12 hours after death, reanimation occurs. In the process of reanimation the brain stem becomes once again active. This triggers natural abilities such as eating, walking, and sometimes running.

December 25, 2012, day of outbreak. The streets of all cities are flooded with the undead. In the small rural town of Cedar Creek, a 23 year old boy by the name of Jonathan is fighting for survival. He has lived in Cedar Creek for six years and is fairly familiar with the surrounding area. Jonathan is unarmed, in shock, and alone. He finds himself running through the wooded area north of town. He lived alone in the small town and wasn't very socially active. He mostly kept to himself and didn't have many friends in the small area. After running for what seemed like hours, he found himself on the highway, cars were wrecked and piled up all along the small two lane road. He crept slowly past the cars, checking every corner for whatever the things that were chasing him were. He eventually passed a sign that read: Willow Pass, 6 miles.

He followed the small road until he was looking upon the town of Willow Pass. Smoke billowed out of buildings and he could hear gunshots in the distance. As the sun began to set he approached the small town. He walked cautiously down the empty streets, cars and bodies littered the street. "help! Help!" he heard a voice bellow through the streets. He looked around but could not see anybody, "help!" the voice repeated. But still, nobody was in sight. "over here! In the house!" the voice bellowed in desperation. He looked at a two story house to his right. "yes! Please help! There's walkers in the house and I'm trapped up here! Do you have any weapons?" the voice asked. "No!" Jonathan yelled back. "Please help! Please!" the man in e window repeated.

Jonathan entered the house with caution. He passed through a kitchen and grabbed a knife from the counter. He followed a trail of blood leading through a hall and up a set of stairs. As he ascended the stairs he smell something god awful. At the top of the stairs was a person standing banging on a door. "hello?" Jonathan asked, " are you the one who needed help?" the person turned and faced Jonathan, only it wasn't a person. Instead, a bloody humanoid with green and red boils on the face and skin turned to face him. "good Christ . . ." Jonathan said as he looked the thing in the face. The thing let out a shrieking sound and bloody and free fluids flew from its mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2012 ⏰

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