Kyoya's Girlfriend

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Chapter One

It had not been more than ten minutes after the Host Club had bid farewell to their final stream of customers when Hikaru anxiously began the conversation that had yet to be discussed amongst the hosts. That topic would be... girlfriends. And, seeing as the only girl of their group had left early with the excuse of having more homework than usual, this delicate subject was now considered safe to breach. At least, in the twin's mind.

The four main contributors to this conversation (namely: Hikaru, Kaoru, Tamaki, and Honey) had started out talking amiably enough, but the pleasantries were soon disregarded as it turned into a shouting match.

Tamaki firmly believed that, as hosts, they had an obligation to please their clients, and so, if they had girlfriends, it would be wrong to betray their trust with said girlfriend. The twins, however, thought that if their clients didn't like the fact that had girlfriends (if they did, in fact, get girlfriends) then, as they had ever so eloquently put it, too bad. The hosts shouldn't let their clients run their lives.

"Just think for a minute, Boss," Hikaru practically shouted to Tamaki, effectively getting his attention, "most of our clients have boyfriends, so why should we have to stay single for their sakes. In fact, if we can't have girlfriends, then we should make a new rule that prevents girls who have boyfriends from coming to the Host Club at all."

"But, Hika-chan," Honey cut in, "what if you did get a girlfriend? Would you announce it when the girls were here? Or would you just not mention it until someone asked you? And honestly, if you wanted a girlfriend, then couldn't you just lie to us anyway?" This little speech earned an approving nod from Mori, who was, as usual, seated close to Honey.

Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki thought for a minute before Kaoru formulated a response, though he sounded timid when he began.

"I think, if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't announce it so much as it would just be obvious that I was in a relationship. I'd probably have her visit me at the club and if someone asked me who she was, I would simply tell them the truth."

This thought lingered in their minds for a few moments before Kyoya, who was lingering in the back of the room, closed his little black book abruptly, getting the attention of the other occupants of the room.

"Not that I really care about your romantic relationships, nor any of your relationships at all for that matter, but if you do somehow end up getting girlfriends, I will have to ask that you do not allow any of our clients to find out. That would cause a major decrease in profit." He reopened his little black book, and resumed writing, as if he hadn't stopped in the first place.

"How can you say that, Kyoya-senpai?" Hikaru accused, slightly whining at the end of his question. "If you had a girlfriend, wouldn't you want her to meet your friends, and… ugh... I don't know… see you, like, in action? If I had a girlfriend, I would want her to be able to see me 'at work', you know?"

Kyoya paused before responding, though the beginning was said more to himself than anyone else. "Such thoughts had crossed my mind before, but even so, it wouldn't be worth it to lose customers, no matter how few it may be."

Everyone paused, processing what Kyoya had said, before the silence was abruptly broken.

"So you've thought of this before, huh, Kyo-chan? Is there, maybe, a reason, behind that? " Honey question, playful suspicion dripping heavily from his voice.

Not quite understanding the meaning of Honey's words, Tamaki jumped back into the conversation, hoping to catch on. "Whoa, wait a minute, Honey-senpai. What are you implying?"

"Oh, nothing." Honey responded slyly, a suggestive smile on his face. "Just that, if Kyo-chan ever wants to tell us something personal, then we'd be honored to listen. Especially if it's coming from someone with experience in relationships. Right, guys? Takashi?" Mori nodded, an amused smile replacing his usual blank expression.

Understanding dawned on the other three, but as Tamaki tried to formulate a question from all the confusion in his mind, Kyoya decided to cut in.

"Well, if that is all, then I'll be leaving." He declared while making a semi-hasty escape, his school bag resting on his shoulder. Before Kyoya could walk out the door, however, having finally caught up to Honey's implications, Tamaki voiced one of the many confusing thoughts that had been floating through his head.

"Wait, so... Kyoya? Do you have a girlfriend?" At his slightly flustered look, they knew the answer was yes.

Hikaru, coming out of his shocked and paralyzed state, quickly asked the first question he could think of, hoping to get an answer before Kyoya left.

"Why didn't you say anything? You didn't necessarily have to tell us, but, c'mon. You could've dropped some hints or something!"

"The time never came and you guys never really asked." Kyoya responded with a slight nervous shrug before leaving the room, shutting the door on his way out. Thus, leaving behind several curious hosts, dying to find out more about this recent development that they never even would have thought possible.

All of them had the same thought at the center of their attention: What kind of person is the Shadow King's girlfriend?

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