Kyoya's Girlfriend Chapter 4

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Monday morning came, and that signaled the restart of Kyoya’s harassment, only this time, for a slightly different reason. During classes, Tamaki made it his mission to irritate Kyoya until he would tell him when Emma was going to meet them.

Kyoya decided to talk to him about it at lunch. The other hosts hadn’t gotten to the cafeteria yet.

“I told you already; she will be entering Japan later in the afternoon. The flight will wear her out, so I’ll talk to her about it after she has rested.”

“So, Kyoya,” Tamaki began, “how long will she be staying? She has school doesn’t she?”

Kyoya thought carefully of how to word his response before answering. “Her school is on break right now, so that is not an issue. However, I’m not sure how long she will be staying. I’m going to let her stay as long as she wants, so when she goes back home is completely up to her.”

“Alright... And you promise that you’ll talk to her about meeting us, right?” Tamaki asked, not quite trusting Kyoya to talk to Emma about it.

“I already talked to her about it. We were wanting to see each other soon anyway, so I used the fact that my friends wanted to meet her to convince her to come sooner. So, yes, I promise I will talk to her. Though, if I didn’t bring it up, I know she would. She’s been wanting to meet my friends for a while now.”

This brought a huge smile to Tamaki’s face, causing almost every girl in the vicinity to swoon.  

The other hosts soon arrived, wanting to confirm with Kyoya what their blonde king had told them Friday night. Even Haruhi was eating in the cafeteria with them, though she looked less than happy about the twins practically dragging her there.

“Is it true, Kyo-chan?!” Honey shouted, deciding to be the one to ask what was on everyone’s mind. “Is Em-chan really coming?!”

Kyoya gave Tamaki a pointed look, hoping to have him answer instead. He didn’t want to have to explain more than once. Tamaki caught the look, and complied.

The hosts carried out the rest of their day as usual, though slightly anxious. After their customers had left for the day, something else happened to quell their anxiety.


Emmaline had gotten her plane ticket from the driver Kyoya had sent. Thankfully he hadn’t sent a limo like Emma had anticipated. She would have been embarrassed beyond belief if a limo had dropped her off at the airport.

She grabbed her bags out of the large, black Hummer, and headed into the crowded airport. After going through the proper procedures, which took too long for her liking, she boarded the plane. She seated herself in the first class cabin.

Kyoya had offered for her to ride in one of his private jets, but she had declined, claiming that it was too much trouble. Since she wouldn’t, he said that he would pay for a first class ticket. He was stubborn, and she was adamant on not abusing the power Kyoya had, so that was the best they could agree to.

The plane eventually lifted into the air, and Emma soon fell asleep. The time spent staying up late packing finally caught up to her, making her feel exhausted.

She woke up to the voice of the pilot making an announcement.

“Good afternoon, passengers. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we have arrived a few hours ahead of schedule. We will be landing shortly, and thank you for flying with us.”

This earned a few groans, and a few claps. Sure, they were off schedule, but they were early. Emma found herself smiling along with a few others.

She pulled out her phone and called Kyoya’s house phone, since she knew he usually turned off his cell phone. After a few rings, someone picked up.

“Hello, Ootori residence,” Greeted a female voice.

“Oh, hi.” Emma responded awkwardly, “I’m calling for Kyoya. Is he home?”

“Oh, you must be Mistress Emmaline. No, I’m afraid Master Kyoya is still at school right now.”

Emma hadn’t realized the plane was this early. “That’s okay. It’s… it’s just that my flight is a bit ahead of schedule and he told me he was going to pick me up…” She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll have one of the drivers come pick you up.” With that, the maid hung up, leaving Emma slightly confused.

The plane landed and she entered the airport. After she gathered her things, she walked toward the entrance and looked around, not really knowing what she was looking for.

She spotted a man holding up a piece of paper with Emmaline Paxton printed neatly on the front. She approached him nervously.

“Um… hi,” She said with a weak wave of her hand. “I... I think you’re here for me. I’m Emmaline. You’re from the Ootori home, right?”

The man regarded her for a moment, and tried to mask the slight shock on his face. She didn’t notice, for she was used to it. He recovered quickly.

“Of course, right this way Miss Emmaline.” He ushered her outside to the limo, and opened the back seat door for her. She eyed it warily, a blush of embarrassment spreading quickly across her face,  before stepping in. The driver took her backpack and duffel bag, and placed them in the trunk.

After he stepped into the driver’s seat, she took the opportunity to fix her title.

“You can just call me Emma. Emmaline is a bit too formal for me.”

He eyed her in the rear view mirror, judging to see if she was serious. Since, he assumed, Master Kyoya’s companion wouldn’t be this informal with someone below her would she?

“Of course Miss Emma.” He heard her sigh, seeing as he wouldn’t drop the Miss, “I am also to inform you that we do not have time to drop off your things at the estate. Master Kyoya’s school has just let out and the club he is in will conclude shortly so we will have to go pick him up.”

“That’s okay… That’s great actually!” She responded, a large smile on her face, “Thank you for letting me know!”

Her reaction was very unexpected. He had expected that she demand to be take the estate. So strange, he thought.

The driver found himself even more confused when he pulled up to Ouran High, and the girl jumped out of the car.

She looked at him through his window and said with an even larger smile on her face, “I’m going to go get him, okay?” And, before waiting for a response, she went into the large building, in search of the room Kyoya talked so much about: Music Room 3.

She wandered around for a bit in the empty hallways before a sea of poofy, yellow dress clad, high school girls passed her. She was ignored, as the girls were preoccupied with their own conversations. She saw the door they came out of, and almost ran to it.

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