Kyoya's Girlfriend Chapter 5

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The last client had left the host club, and the hosts began talking, as is what they usually do after the girls leave. Kyoya busied himself with cleaning the stations. It was his turn to clear the room, and even though he was in a hurry to get to the airport, the other hosts wouldn’t let him off the hook. He picked up the last tea set and made his way to the small kitchen connected to the club room.

A few moments later, the front door to the club room opened slowly, getting the attention of the hosts who were still in the room. A girl peeked her head in, one green eye visible. And though half of her body was hidden by the door, they noticed she wasn’t wearing a uniform.

Instead, she had on white skinny jeans, with light yellow, swirling patterns covering them. A white shirt covered her generously sized chest. The letters ‘Floggin-’ were visible on the front, printed in green. The rest of the phrase was hidden behind the door. Yellow Chuck Taylors covered her feet with Green Day, Dookie printed on them in black. Other, smaller, phrases were written around the larger phrase, though they were too small to read from the where they hosts were seated.

Tamaki decided to address her, “I am so sorry, princess, but the host club is closed today.”

She processed what he said before responding, “Oh, Oh. No, I’m not here for that. Is… um… is Kyoya Ootori here?”

The other hosts took note of her slight accent, the question she asked, and the lack of uniform before connecting the dots.

Haruhi was the first to ask the question on everyone’s mind, “Are you, by any chance, named Emmaline?”

At first she tensed, since she was worried about why they would know her name. After she processed how they could ever possibly know her name, she relaxed. This was obviously Kyoya’s club’s room.

“Yeah. He hasn’t left yet, has he?” She smiled and stepped all the way into the room. The hosts gaped openly at the girl, completely stunned by her appearance.

Her long, blonde hair was kept in a messy bun, and in certain lighting, looked light-orange. Her side-swept bangs also messy, and almost hid one of her bright green eyes. The phrase on her shirt was fully revealed: Flogging Molly. What stood out most, however, were the marks that went down the entire left side of her body, beginning along the bottom of her jaw.

Burn scars traveled along her arm, and stopped at her fingertips. The skin their looked raw, and red, but not as if the burns were acquired recently. The rest were covered by her clothes, hidden from the eyes of the hosts.

What happened to her?

Haruhi was the first to recover from the shock, “No, um, he hasn’t.”

Honey was the next to recover, “Kyo-chan will be back soon. You can wait in here with us if you want!”

“I will, thank you!” Emma’s smile widened, completely unphased by the other hosts openly gawking at her. She skipped over to where the hosts were, and sat in one of the unoccupied, plush chairs. By the time she had settled in, the other hosts had also recovered, and curiosity once again dominated their minds.

They took the way she was dressed, her bouncy attitude, and her smile that seemed to be directed at nothing.

How did these two possibly get together?!

A bouncy voice interrupted their thoughts, “So, you guys are in Kyo’s club, right? Tell me about it! Kyo doesn’t tell me very much about it, but I think that’s just because he’s embarrassed I’ll laugh.” She gave a slight pleading look.

Did she just call him Kyo?

“Ah, yes! Of course!” Tamaki exclaimed, always happy to introduce new princesses to the host club. He introduced them all while gesturing to them all respectively. He then finished by introducing himself, “And I am Tamaki Suoh, the King of our wonderful club!”

She surveyed them all, memorizing their names, faces, and demeanors, before her eyes settled on Haruhi. She studied her for a moment then looked up to address everyone.

“You all seem so nice, I am very happy Kyo has such wonderful friends.” Her smile changed into one of content, and her eyes softened. Then after a moment, they reverted back to excitement, “And you’re all so handsome!” Her expression became fierce, as she turned and pointed to Haruhi, “Except for you!”

The others looked taken aback, but Haruhi just looked confused.

Emma’s smile changed back to one of excitement, “You’re just too pretty to be handsome! Your skin looks so smooth, and your eyes are just beautiful! It’s a shame you’re dressed like that; those... marshmallow thingies the other girls were wearing would probably look really cute on you!”

The hosts were once again speechless as they processed what she had just said.

“Leave it to the Demon King’s girlfriend,” Hikaru began, with Kaoru finishing for him, “to figure it out faster than the rest of us.”

“Demon King is Kyo’s nickname, isn’t it?” Emma asked practically bouncing in her seat from all of the new information, “It’s…” she tried to think of something to defend him, but relented, “It’s actually kind of perfect. I congratulate whoever came up with it.”

She waited for a response, and when none came, she decided to continue talking, “So you guys are in a host club, huh?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully, “We don’t really have those in America, but I’m guessing it’s kind of like a male strip club, right?”

Tamaki gasped, but the others just looked amused. The twins came up behind her, casually draping an arm on each of her shoulders.

“If it were,” Kaoru began, with Hikaru continuing, “then shouldn’t you be jealous?”

The their surprise, she burst into laughter, “Oh God no,” she got out in between laughs, “I could never see him acting like a s-stripper!” She could barely get out the last word, having trouble keeping herself from laughing, “And anyway, I’d be too busy making jokes the whole time to even think about being jealous.”

The twins both backed away from her, and gave her a questioning look. But, before she could say anything else, Kyoya came out of the kitchen, and walked their way. Emma turned, then shot up, and bounced over to him.

“Kyo! Geez, you sure took your time!” And though it didn’t seem possible, her smile widened. She pulled him into a tight hug, which he surprisingly, at least to the hosts, returned.

“Why are you here? Your flight shouldn’t have landed yet.”

“It was a way ahead of schedule, and I wanted to surprise you.”

Kyoya leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and at the collective ‘aw’ from the other side of the room, he looked up.

Emma turned toward the other hosts, “Oh yeah, Kyo, you friends were keeping me company.” She took a small step to the side so she could see both Kyoya, and the others, “So… is it true that you are some type of male stripper?” She sent Kyoya a smirk, though everyone could tell she was trying her hardest not to giggle.

Kyoya sent a questioning look to his clubmates, “What did you tell her?” He practically sighed out the words, being used to these antics.

“I didn’t say that, Mommy, I swear!” Tamaki yelled, “I just said that we were hosts!”

Emma raised and eyebrow in Kyoya’s direction, once again having trouble containing her laughter, “Mommy?”

“And that’s enough for today.” Kyoya interjected, quickly ushering Emma to the door, “We’ll be leaving now, if you’ll excuse us.”

“Wait, we aren’t done!” The twins said in unison.

Kyoya didn’t respond. He grabbed his bag then practically pulled Emma out the door.

She poked her head back in, “Don’t worry! I shall return!” She then proceeded to burst into laughter before being pulled back out into the hall, the door closing loudly.

“So…” Haruhi began.

“That was the Demon King’s girlfriend” The twins continued together.

“Not quite as scary as I’d imagined” Tamaki added. They all nodded in agreement.

“I like her!” Honey shouted, causing the other hosts to think for a minute. And... they all couldn’t help but agree.

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