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A/N: Nothing to do with this chapter but look at how hot my baby is!!!

I walked into school and my eyes searched frantically for her. I found her going into the bathroom and I walked in after her. I checked to see how many stalls were occupied and it was just one. I licked the door after and waited by the sinks for her to come out.

I heard the toilet flush and she emerged from the stall. A look of shock was on her face when she saw me then it was replaced by disgust. She didn't have any makeup on and even though she put on that mask of this tough exterior she looked vulnerable to me and soft and beautiful.

"What are you doing in here? Are you stalking me now?" She raised her perfect eyebrow and I cocked my head to the side.

"Normani I need to talk to you."

"Well isn't that what you're doing? Talking with that big, fat mouth of yours?"

"Last time I checked you liked my mouth."

"Yeah liked as in past tense." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Look I didn't come to argue with you. Just meet me after school in the parking lot beside your car and I'll explain everything."

"If you think I'll take you back you're wrong."

"I know you won't. I don't expect you to, but we still need to talk. So just meet me there after school." I walked out of the bathroom after that and hoped she'd actually show up.

After school I waited by her car for a while. "You showed up." I said as soon as she walked up to me.

"I have to get in the car to go home so it wasn't really a choice." She pressed the button on the key and I quickly opened the passenger door. She climbed in and sat in the drivers seat. "Yo listen you're either gonna get in or close my goddamn door."

I rolled my eyes and sat in the seat. We stayed in silence because I honestly didn't know where to start. "Are you gonna say something or...?"

"Okay so I'm sorry I was completely wasted but you and I both know our relationship ended a long time ago. We still loved each other but we were over Mani, I don't like the way we ended  I wanted us to at least be friends after bu-"

"No you don't get to decide how I feel. I knew we weren't the way we were before but I knew we could fix it. I had faith in us but you didn't, you didn't want us to work."

"Yes I did!"

"No you didn't! You cheated."

"I was drunk."

"I've been drunk before too and I don't cheat." I took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

"I guess I didn't have faith in us and I'm sorry. But there's no going back now I did what I did and I just wanted you to hear this from me before anyone else." Here goes. "I'm pregnant."


I looked across at her and she had a straight face. No emotion I could read whatsoever and that usually means she's angry. So I decided to leave.

"I don't know if I made anything at all better between us but I just wanted you to know everything. And I just want you to know I do love you and I'll always be here if you need me." I opened the car door and left. As I walked past the front I saw a tear run down her cheek before she started the car and left me standing there.

I looked up and the sky was gray and sad, which is weird since it was really clear this morning. I decided to walk home even though I should talk to Lauren, since she's been missing all day. Maybe I'll walk to her house instead since it's closer to school and she can carry me home if it begins to rain.

The walk is quick since I was trying to beat the rain. Usually I turn my music up to the max and walk slowly, taking in the fresh air and everything around me. I feel so free. Not today though, couldn't deal with being free today, better be in a cage with a roof so I don't get wet in the goddamn rain.

I ran up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Clara opened the door and ushered me in quickly. "Hey sweetie Lauren's upstairs." She looked at me weirdly, I'm guessing still trying to figure out what's different.

"Thank you." I ran upstairs and barged through Lauren's door. She jumped from her bed, her eyes were watery and her hair was messy. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. Was she asleep?

"What the hell Y/N?" Her voice was raspy and hoarse. I was confused as to whether I should drop my panties or melt at her cuteness.

"Where were you today?"

"I'm sick." She added a cough at the end and I rolled my eyes.

"What were you really doing?" I dropped my bag and climbed into her bed. I grabbed her sheets and wrapped them around me leaving her completely exposed in just her underwear.

"I don't have on any clothes." She pulled it back from me.

"Well you should've thought about that before you went to bed." I grabbed it back and I can't help but admire her perfect body. She's beautiful.

"Stop staring at me."

"You're not my type Jauregui calm down. I think I'm more into your sister actually." She hit me with a pillow and I gasped. "Did you just hit me?"

"Oh I think the fuck I did." Her smile was wide and it almost distracted me, almost. I jumped on her and stacked her with tickles. Her laugh was getting loud and breathy.

"Say you're sorry!"

"Never!" I stopped for a second to let her breathe and then I continued again causing her to scream.

"Say you're sorry."

"I-I Y/N stop it! Im so-sorry." I stopped immediately after and was about to climb off her but she placed her hands on my waist effectively keeping me in place.

"What're you doing?" She completely ignored my question.

"Yesterday on the roof of the car, you were gonna do this right?" She placed a hand on my cheek and brought her face up to mine. She stopped when our faces were centimeters apart and she waited. It was agonizing, our breaths were intermingling and we were so close yet so far and all I wanted was to kiss her but I wanted her to wait if she wanted this just as much as I did. And it made it that much better when she closed the gap between us.

Our lips molded perfectly together and the butterflies in my stomach went absolutely fucking wild. My heart exploded and my brain turned to mush and my body felt on fire from every place her hand roamed. I tangled my hands in her hair and she pulled me down flush to her. Our bodies were hot and as close as they could be without us being naked but I wanted to pull her even closer.

A/N: Good fucking night and God fucking bless.

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