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I was finally in the delivery room and they can't give me an epidural. "Fuck!"

"Language!" Ally scolded and I glared at her. "Sorry." After Lauren took me to the hospital she called my mom and somehow Ally and Dinah and Mani ended up here. Lauren's outside with Malik since he's too young to come in and everyone else is trying to keep me entertained but all I could focus on was the fact that I was going to push a tiny human out of me.

"Do you want food?" Normani spoke up and everyone looked at her in confusion including the nurse.

"No what I want is an epidural."

"Sorry honey can't give you one." The nurse offered me a sympathetic smile before leaving the room again. I sat and took deep breaths until my mom came over to me.

About an hour later with multiple, painful contractions it was time to finally give birth. "Okay sweetie on three I'm gonna ask you to push okay." I nodded my head as my mom held on to my hand. "One, two, three, push!"

A scream pierced through me as I pushed with all my might. "Okay you're doing great now let's do it again. One, two, push!" I screamed again and I collapsed on the bed.

"I can't do this." I started crying and my mom wiped my hair from my face.

"Yes you can baby."

"No mom. I can't. I want Lauren. Please."

"No you have to push."

"I'm not pushing until she's in here." My mom looked to the doctor for some reason why she can't come in here.

"Only the father can be in here."

"She is the father I'm a lesbian. Now please get Lauren." I laid my head down and a couple seconds later Lauren came rushing into the room and to my side.

"Okay now please push." I held onto Lauren's hand and pushed as hard as I could a loud scream coming from my mouth. "One more!" I looked at Lauren and she nodded.

"You can do this. Just one more push." I shook my head and she squeezed my hand.

"One, two, three." I pushed one last time and soon I heard the cry of my baby. "It's a girl." I collapsed onto the bed while somebody cut the umbilical cord I don't know who.

Lauren kissed my sweaty forehead. "You look beautiful. I love you."

"I'm still mad at you." I said softly as my my eyes switched between open and closed. I was exhausted.

"I know. Get some sleep." She kissed my forehead one last time before black overcame me and my hand slowly let go of hers.

I woke up a few hours later to see Dinah holding my baby in her arms. I smiled at them and Dinah looked at me. "Oh look baby mama's awake." She brought her over to me and I held her for the first time.

I was overcome with emotions and I couldn't help but crying. She is such an ugly baby. She's pink and she genuinely looks like a potato but I love her already. Her tiny eyes opened slightly and a little smile crossed her face. "Hi baby. I'm your mama." I kissed her little baby nose and smiled.

"What's her name?"

"I don't know." I said to Dinah and a smile over took her face.

"You should name her Jane."

"Or if I really wanted to name her after you I could name her inmate 2256." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off."

"Where's Lauren."

"She's asleep outside with Malik." I smiled slightly.

"I don't like that smile. You didn't forgive he did you?"

"No but I do love her Dinah."

"Well stop it."

"You can't tell me what to do." She tilted her head to the side.

"I know I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

"Don't worry I won't date her. I'll be fine." I smiled warmly at her and she nodded. I looked back down to my baby. What the hell am I gonna name this kid?

I had just finished feeding Parker and she is knocked out. I put on her cute little blue onesie and placed her in the car seat before I started out the hospital. My mom was driving us home while I sat in the back staring at this baby. She still looked the exact same as a few hours ago when she was born I'm sure, but I'm more infatuated with her now so she looks less like a potato and more like the cutest thing I've laid my eyes on. She's not puppy cute but she's pretty darn cute.

I was staring at her in awe when she opened her eyes slightly and they were a beautiful green. Like a certain raven-haired goddess. Now her eyes are going to haunt me forever even more than they were going to haunt me before.

Parker yawned and stretched her little hands up before she opened her eyes and stared at me. "Hello little baby." I said in my baby voice and she showed her little cute smile. "Do you want mama to take you up baby?" She didn't move or anything she just kept staring at me. "I'll take that as a yes. Come on cupcake." I unbuckled her seatbelt and took her out of the car seat.

I kissed her nose and she smiled so I kissed her cheek and she smiled again. I started kissing all over her face and she just kept smiling while her mouth watered. Poor thing can't even close her own mouth, it's so cute and I don't even like babies like that.

When we got back home it was around 8pm.  I got the bag from the car while my mom took Parker inside. I put her stuff in her nursery and changed her dirty diaper before I fed her again but to my surprise and dismay she was still wide awake even at 10pm.

I tried everything, I rocked her back and forth but it's just seemed to make her more energetic. And every time I do get her to fall asleep the moment I put her down she starts crying. I just gave birth for god's sake I'm tired she should be tired too after coming out of me. Why can't she just go to fucking sleep? "I'll help if you want." I turned around to see Lauren standing in my doorway.

"No it's okay. How did you get in my house?"

"Your mom let me in. I just kinda wanted to check if you're okay but you look like you could use some help." I studied her and she offered me a cute smile. "May I?"

I handed Parker over to her and she almost gasped as soon as she looked down at her. "Her eyes."

"I know." She smiled at me and held her close to her body as she began to rock her back and forth. I walked to the door and leaned against the door frame. She was wearing black leggings and a huge gray sweater. Soon enough Parker was fast asleep and she put her down no problem, which I thanked god for.

"Thank you so much. You're a life saver." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"No problem."

"You can uh come in my room we can hang out."

"No you're probably exhausted go get some sleep." I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

"Okay goodnight Lo. Thanks." I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before yawning and going to bed.

A/N: Okay so maybe more than five chapters and also a sequel if you guys want.

Sequel or no sequel?

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