➳Chapter 25➳

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'Calm down and stop throwing things. You'll hurt yourself.'-Love the worst person on earth, Bella

I scrunched it up in a ball and through it at his balcony window. Dylan looked me over and I pointed at the paper. He slowly approached the door whilst I grabbed the last of my things. I heard his door open once I started walking towards my room. "I'm sorry." I whispered and shut the door.

I pulled my curtains closed and looked at his visible frown. I slid down the door and a pent up son broke past my lips as tears broke free.

What have I done?

Dylan's POV

Fucking up.

Something I'm actually good at. Well, you could say I'm good at other things but does that really matter? Does it?

Because when you look at everything from afar the only thing that actually stands out are; my mistakes, my wrong doings, my bad things.

And so that leads me to say I am; a fuckup, a disaster in the making, a walking mess. You name it and I'm probably that.

I mean maybe I wouldn't be such a mess if I hadn't agreed to that bet- well actually I didn't even agree to the fucking bet, Ashley spoke for me when I was wasted, now that I remember but, she wouldn't believe me so what was the point anymore?

I leaned against the balcony railing, staring at her curtains. The cool breeze making me sigh. Most nights were spent outside just looking up at the moon and wishing I could turn back time. My thoughts occupied me, buzzing around constantly refraining me from ever falling asleep.

Then there were the what if games I played with myself or the maybe games that kept me up. Then there was Ashley. Ashley. God I hated her. No fuck. I loathed her so much. She was so annoying. She was like a bee, constantly hovering around me. She was always trying to hug, kiss or have sex with me and I didn't want that. I've told her to leave me alone and she just won't.

Ashley was a gold digging leech. I didn't give her much but she wanted to stick with me because of my reputation. I despised my reputation. All anyone ever pinned me as was a spoilt-playboy-millionaire and I didn't want to be seen as that. Ashley made it worse.

She also had a reputation. A whore. No surprise there right? Well that's what she was and I'm sure she could've been a better person but that's the route she took in life. When she was around me she would always be over affectionate and make herself stupider and then accuse me of doing things I had never done.

I chuckled bitterly, pulling on my hair slightly. I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for her and Nate. That asshole.

God did I loathe Nate. How fucking dare he touch my Bella like that?! How fucking dare he think he can even kiss her?! How fucking dare he think he can even be in her presenc- yeh okay that's a bit too far.

But I hated him. Who wouldn't hate him? He's an arrogant asshole. Sure, you could say that's what I am but, I wasn't on his level. He was the on the -I'll take everything away from you Dylan-and then I'll take your girl-your spot on the teams-i'll fuck your girls too- level. That didn't make sense. It made more sense in my head. Okay?

I sighed purposefully, I wanted her so bad but no that bastard had her right now. I didn't even fucking have her in the first place! Nothing was fucking confirmed. Fucking damn it.

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