Through it All, Augustus

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Something impelled Augustus to go to the chute that day. As he walked the reclusive path to that old blue wooden door, he so longed for Hazel Grace. His Hazel Grace, whom he had, not willingly, left behind. It had been three months. Three months of despondent loneliness. The very thought of the ones he had lost...the ones he had "Left behind", he liked to say, haunted him. If he were alive, Gus would have described the feeling as wanting to die. But, he was already dead, so the feeling seemed interminable.

The chute was a place that felt amiss to Augustus Waters, and he honestly didn't know why he was going there. After about an hour of walking, he finally came upon the chute. It was dull, no new dead people souls at the moment. Gus wandered to a rock near the path he had come out of. He didn't want to look as if he were entreating new comers to talk to him.

Two hours had passed and still no one. Augustus was okay with that though, he liked the peace and quiet. It was hard for Gus to live the reverberated, do-nothing, depressing after life. He started to relax and eventually fell into a daze, waiting for something.

Within a blink of an eye, a bright blue light appeared in the midst of the doors. Someone was coming. It awoke Gus from his daze and he bolted straight up. The doors slowly creaked open, while Gus watched, tense, sitting on the edge of his seat like a kid waiting for their balloon animal. A young girl appeared, she looked to be about seven or so. Her small, shaking arms squeezed her teddy bear while her eyes roamed the foreign land. The blue light came again, startled the little girl, and out came another. A mother to the child, Gus assumed, since both were embracing each other lovingly, and crying a bit. Two more people came, who were also members of the family. "Car crash, most likely." Gus whispered to himself, thinking of how awful, yet amazing the world he once lived on was. The sight of the family keeping calm and positive, even though they were dead, was what really got Augustus. He hated being alone so much, that he just broke down. Because of all the tears and weeping, Augustus Waters nearly didn't see the blue light. From the doors came a girl about Augustus' age. She was dressed in jeans, a green tattered shirt and a black leather jacket. Her hair was blonde and short.

She looked like Hazel Grace. Augustus leapt off the rock, sprint-limping toward the confused girl. "Hazel! Hazel Grace?!" Gus shouted, just feet away from the girl. "Caleb?" the girl asked confused. Then the reality hit Gus.... it wasn't Hazel Grace. It was never his Hazel. "Umm... where am I?" the girl asked. She was beautiful, skinny and pale. She wore dark makeup around her eyes and a gun under her waistband. Like Natalie Portman, V for Vendetta, Natalie Portman. "Oh, um, sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Are you okay?" she asked, placing a light, affable hand on Gus. She was polite, and caring even though Gus was a total stranger. He couldn't do it anymore, even though it hadn't even been a minute, he couldn't do it. She looked too much like Hazel. Augustus broke down on the floor, crying again. The girl kneeled down by Augustus. "Okay, maybe thats too much. Lets start with something simple. Whats your name?"

"Augustus, Augustus Waters." Gus managed to croak.

"My name is Tris Prior. Alright Augustus Waters, can you tell me where I am?"

"You are dead. In the after life. Ugh. All anyone ever is, is dead."

"Right... dead." Gus didn't know how she handled it so well, even though tears were streaming down her face. He finally manned up and said something. "It's like another life. You live here, but everyone is dead. You have to be admitted into the city first then you get an apartment and you just live.... well, kind of. If you want I'll show you around. There is a hotel off of Stars St. you can stay in until you get admitted. "Sure." she said sniffling, not knowing what he was babbling about.

Augustus didn't know why he was talking to Tris. He didn't know why he was showing her around. He didn't even know her and yet there they were.

When the two finally reached Star St. after Gus had explained the whole 'what you do after you die' thing, Tris thanked Gus and said she could check in to the hotel herself. As she walked up the stairs to the newly remodeled hotel, Augustus couldn't risk passing up an opportunity to make a friend, since he didn't have any. "Um, how about after you check in, I can show you around."

"Okay. Meet you here in an hour?"

"Okay." Augustus replied.

An hour later Augustus stood outside the hotel with an unlit cigarette between his lips. Tris had changed clothes, she now wore dark jeans and a plaid button up.

"Don't tell me you smoke." said Tris.

"Its a metaphor." Gus replied.

"So... where to?"

"Well there is a pub just around the corner. I could go for a drink."

"Sounds good." she said meekly. The shock had passed and she had time to think. She had time to think of all the ones that were no longer with her and all she had lost. But she was a strong girl. Augustus could tell that much.

"So, tell me about you." said Gus after putting his champagne flute back down.

"Well, I died because I got shot... at least I think so. Umm I lived in Chicago. Had a boyfriend, ya know, the usual." She sounded unsure, like there was something she couldn't get right.

"Er, um I lived in Indianapolis and died of cancer. I had a girlfriend..." A single tear rolled down his face. Tris suddenly went red, thinking if how she was at a bar with another man. What would Tobias think? Nothings happening. He is just some dude she thought to herself. But that was the problem. He was just some dude.

"Lets get one thing straight." She said, clearing her throat. "We are not dating. Ever. Period. Okay. I don't know you Augustus. And I know you were probably not ever going to go there and I know this is coming off hard and we just met and if we become friends want you to know that no one is ever going to replace Tobias! Im so sorry I just had to say that. Uhh, I have to go." As quickly as she came, she left. Gus was confused but was glad they were on the same page. Even though they had only just met, they knew right then and there that nothing was going to happen between them. And it stayed that way.

Authors note: Okay, i know its not my best and its kind of confusing but i will be writing a sequel { hopefully it will be better than this}. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. Thanks. Love you💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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