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Sergeant Carter glanced at his watch as he anxiously awaited Colonel Hogan's return from the Kommandant's office. Hogan was attempting to get Klink to clear out his patrols on the Western border of the Stalag for the next night.

Carter startled at the slamming of the Barracks door. Hogan strutted up to Carter with a successful grin on his face. "How didya manage to swindle the old Colonel inta removin' the patrols!?" Carter spoke, excited. Hogan replied with, "It's my secret!" He started to walk off, but paused to remind Carter of the explosives he needed to create for their mission.

After Hogan slipped into his office, Newkirk laughed. "Carter, me mate! Swindle? Really? Usin' them big words ain't gonna make ya any smarter, plus it jus' sounds weird comin' from you mate." Carter' face fell, and he shuffled to the trick bunk dejectedly.

Newkirk noticed and immediately began to apologise. "Carter... I didn't mean t' sound so harsh, when I thought it, it came out wrong, I didn't mean it that way... I shoudn'na said it... Forgive me?"

Carter instantly turned around and gave his best friend a hug, nearly knocking him over. "Woah!" The Englishman exlaimed. Newkirk threw out his left arm to hold himself steady on his bunk next to the door. Muffled by Newkirk's jacket, he said, "Of course I forgive you." Then he turned around amd hopped down to the tunnel system, closing the bunk as he descended.

"Will Andre ever realize that you meant what you said?" Asked LeBeau. "Probably never. The kid is just too naive," said Kinch. "Oi!" Yelled Newkirk. "I truly did'n mean t' say that!"

Kimch softly glared at the man saying, "Yeah, sure."


Kinch lugged more explosives out to the tunnel exit under the tree stump, where Hogan was waiting to inspect them and prepare for the midnight excursion. "Carter is finishing the last bits, so there's a few more comin'." Said the radioman.

"Good, we roll out tonight, and hopefully this will be a smooth mission with nothing to worry about." Hogan bent down and assisted Kinchloe with the dynamite, which had unattatched timers to the right of the pile, close to the ladder. When they were done, they began to head back, but froze when they heard a scream.

This was a scream full of fear, and they both knew exactly who it came from, but it took a second for it to register. In that second, the tunnel that headed southeast exploded, tossing the two men backwards. The final thing Hogan remembered before the lights faded was that the explosion was... green?


"Newkirk, I need you to sew the patches in the German General uniform for the Colonel." Kinch said before disappearing down the tunnel to help with bomb transportation. LeBeau sighed, then began the dinner for the men. He stirred the "fish stew" (as Newkirk called it. Honestly, the man- no, 3 year old child!  had no taste.

"Oi, LeBeau, 'ows dinner comin'?" Asked Newkirk. LeBeau growled, "If you stop asking me every minute, it will come a lot quicker. Besides, when you see what it is, you'll stop asking me!"

"Should I be anticipatin', or should I be regrettin' dinner?"

"You'll find out later, Newkirk, just be patient!"

The Englander sighed and tossed down his cards. "Gin! I am unbeatable! Every game in a row won by yours truly! HA!" Cried out the man, who scooped up the prized cigarettes and the four cigars.

"Hey, didn't the colonel tell you to check up on Carter every few half-hours?" Asked a card player, who was still upset over the loss. LeBeau immediately volunteered Newkirk. His excuse was that he was still working on the "stew", even though he was already finished. (Not that anyone else knew).

Newkirk carefully stuffed his gin prizes in the pockets of his faded blue uniform jacket. "A'right, I'm goin', I'm goin'!"

He trotted to the bunk and jabbed the button. As soon as he hit the floor of the tunnel system, he had a bad feeling creep into his heart. This feeling latched itself and he could not shake it.

The Brit slowly walked up to Carter's lab, where he heard a scream that froze and boiled his blood at the same time. "RUN! IT'S GONNA-" BOOM!

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