Chapter 2

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Three years later,

Ever since Waldo's ninth birthday, Waldo was raised by White Azento in Galtraxia, capital of the Galtraxian Empire. White Azento was the king of the Galtraxian Empire, but he was also very kind and wise. He may be a fierce opponent in combat, but outside of war, he was also soft and loving, especially to children. Waldo was now 12 years old. White Azento was 900 billion years old! That's old!

Galtraxian government was both a monarchy and a democracy. It was ruled by the royal family and the Galtrax, the second in command. At the top of the pyramid was the royal family. The Galtrax is right below the royal family, who had the power to make new laws, command the army, rule whenever the king and queen weren't around.

Despite being an alien from uncharted regions, Waldo was among one the smartest students in the Galtraxian Academy. In fact, he graduated college at the age of 11! He had a major in bioengineering and engineering. He even learned how to create organisms from machines. It sounds kinda freaky, but he sure did very well at it. How, you might ask, is that even possible? Well let me explain. After a year since Waldo was abducted, he was given a very expensive treatment called the Aldrora Treatment. The way how this treatment worked was by putting the patient into this powerful machine that injects a serum and bolts of electricity that could make him/her smarter than average in an instant. This treatment was so expensive that not even the wealthy could afford it. Waldo also had a badass haircut.

                     Waldo (12 years)

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                     Waldo (12 years)

Our story begins when Waldo was looking outside the window, wishing he was at Earth.

"Good night, Jack. Thank you again for giving me an iPhone and a guitar, it's the only way I can remember you as my hero," said Waldo.

Waldo will occasionally stare at the sky and talk to Jack as if he were praying to God. But Jack was only human and was billions of lightyears away. Waldo also prayed to God to ask him to bring him home.

"Dear God, I wish I could do something good. I wish to see my brother again," said Waldo.

"Hey Waldo, still miss Earth," said Firestar.

"AHHHH!!! Don't do that! You scared me half to death! How long were you standing there?", said Waldo.

"Ever since you came out here. Who is this Jack Zar?", said Firestar.

"Jack Zar was my hero, my best friend, and my big brother. But not the strongest man ever. He can barely lift a twig! Yet, there is something unique about him, his kindness. I just wish to go back to Earth. There, I can enjoy my life and grow up with Jack and the rest of my family. But here, there is nothing but war. Here, I'm alone and sad. If I can't go back, I'll end up being a sad loner like Lina Nightshade. Ever since my ninth birthday, I've thought of nothing but how to bring the Dark Legion to justice!", said Waldo.

"Listen, you're not alone. I'm here with you. I believe that one day, you'll see Earth again, one day," said Firestar.

Firestar was Waldo's adopted sister and the princess of Galtraxia. She had superhuman abilities, mainly pyrokineisis, the ability of creating and moving fire. She was very tiny, around 3'0. Firestar's father, White Azento, may be an ice Elementor, but her mother was a fire Elementor. Elementors were descendants of the eight elemental gods of Spacechase:

Bob, god of the earth element
Sadowsa, goddess of death
Aquaking, god of water
White Azento, god of ice
Magic, goddess of magic
Mother Nature, goddess of nature
Dark Cranky, god of fire
Falcon, god of the air

There were many different branches of Elementors, even ones from the same element. For example, some fire Elementors were Galtraxian, but other ones belonged to the Dark Legion or other groups. The Elementor branches spread far and wide throughout the universe, and beyond.

"I just wish I can find a way to bring the Dark Legion to justice!", said Waldo.

"We'll find a way," said Firestar.

BOOM!!!! There was an explosion. Tons of spaceships were circling around Galtraxia. But we're they Galtraxian? No, it was....

"The Dark Legion! IT'S TIME I BRING THEM TO JUSTICE ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!", yelled Waldo.

He grabbed a laser gun and some grenades.

"What do you want?", said White Azento.

"What we want is Dark Cranky's sarcophagus! Nousaurong won't stop until he get's another powerful deity back on his side," said one of the Dark Legionnaires.

Then Waldo charged at the Dark Legionnaires.

"ARRRRRAAAAAAAAGH!!!!", yelled Waldo.

He began spamming grenades at the Dark Legionnaires. BOOM!!! They exploded, but Waldo only managed to kill a few Dark Legionnaires. He was only damaging his own people.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR COMING HERE!!!", yelled Waldo.

He shot lasers at the enemies, but the Dark Legionnaires were not only fire Elementors, they were cyborgs. They were a lot like terminators, but even stronger. The Dark Legionnaires shot balls of fire at Waldo. BOOM!!!! He flew into a wall! The Dark Legionnaires proceeded through the capital building. The enemies got closer and closer to the storage room. The storage room was a room below the capital building that contained some of the most dangerous artifacts in Galtraxian history, or even artifacts that weren't dangerous at all, like the spacecraft that brought Waldo into this war in the first place. Then the Dark Legionnaires got to the storage room and approached this big black, ancient sarcophagus.

"We have found what we came here for, now we'll be taking the gold!", said a Dark Legionnaire.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!!!", yelled Waldo.

Then Waldo began chucking grenades at the Dark Legionnaires. BOOM BOOM BANG!!!! He managed to kill most of the evil barbaric warriors. The Dark Legionnaires began to retreat, but they were all killed by Galtraxian soldiers, but those were just scouts, there were many more where they came from.


"It's okay, Waldo, we have defeated our enemies," said Firestar.

"Those were just scouts, there are many more where they came from! Why guard this city when we should be attacking the Dark Legion where they live! Have you forgotten the Space War?! GALTRAXIA WAS NEARLY DESTROYED!!!", said Waldo.

"There is too much at stake! You are not ready, not yet. You have much to learn first before you can assist us in combat, only then will you be ready to face the Dark Legion," said White Azento.

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