Chapter 2: Cop vs. Natsu Natsu 1 Cop 0

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Natsu POV

As I was walking up the path to the school I pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. As soon as I arrived on the school ground all chatter stopped as everyone turned around to stare at me; the girls in lust and the guys in jealousy. I kept my eyes forward and didn't acknowledge any of them. I stepped onto the stairs and was almost in the doors when Gajeel the new police officer/security guard said "no smoking inside the school or on the school grounds." I ignored him and went to step inside the school. He grabbed my arm and a collective gasp tore through the courtyard. I froze every muscle in my body tensed. I smirked coldly as I ripped my arm from his grip and turned around to face him. I could see eyes locked on us waiting for a show. I grabbed his wrist tightly and then I put my cigarette out in his palm. I saw his eyes fill with shock and then pain. He let out a howl as he ripped his hand away with such a force he fell backward into the ground. In a split second I had him pinned to the ground and the look on my face must have scared him, he'd gone as white as a sheet. I grin psychotically at him. "If you ever get in my way or try and stop me from doing something I want to do I will make you regret the day you were born." I said all of this so calmly never losing that psychotic grin. He knew I wasn't kidding. " you understand?" I asked him if he didn't I was going to knock the shit out of him right now. He nodded weakly. "Good" I say as I release him and walk into the school leaving the cop laying on the ground clutching his burned hand.
I walked into my one of my favorite classes. My favorite classes being gym and self defense/martial arts class. I shook my head slightly I don't really understand why they are two separate classes but whatever suits you I guess. I walk up behind my teacher and grab him by the shoulder. He grabs my arm and tries to flip me over his back and body slam me but I easily land on my feet and pull that same trick on him. He lands flat on his back with a grunt looking at me in shock. I give him a smirk "looks like you need to learn a few things, huh teach?!" I laugh cruelly at the man and then walk away to the locker room to change.
I get changed and as I go to walk out a few members of the Fairy High football team step out and block my way. I just give them all a dead stare. "What's the matter to afraid to start a fight with us!" Grey says. They all laugh. "Coward!" Hahaha Laxus spits. "He's not a man!" Elfman says as he burst into a fit of laughter. Grey's comments hurt because at one point we were like brothers. Now he treats me like trash. I hate him more than all the others because I trusted him and he betrayed me. "Move." I say flatly. Grey grins at me and then swings, I duck my left hook cracks sickeningly against his jaw as he howls in pain and goes spiraling into the floor. His jaw is broken. Elfman lunges at me. I slip to the side sticking out my leg. He goes down blood splatters the ground as his head connects with the bench with a solid thump. He's out cold. Now only Laxus is left. I scowl annoyed. Laxus and I exchange a flurry of blows that leave both of us winded and panting. "You two knock it off" it takes me a minute to recognize the martial art teachers voice. Laxus turns toward and goes to punch the man in the face only to be sent flying with a kick to the chest he crashed into the locker with a clang. The teacher gives me this sideways look then says "I won't tell if you don't tell." I give him a look then laugh for the first time in a long time I actually laugh a real laugh. By the time my laughter has died off the teacher is gone. I have a feeling this teacher and I are going to be friends. I walk out into class feeling slightly excited. By the end of class I've knocked everyone on their ass at least once and everyone is glaring at me like I'm some sort of monster. I get changed back into my normal school clothes and go to my next class which is languages which I also happen to like.
I sit in the back corner of the class as I have every year. The teacher says "Qualcuno di voi sa l'italiano?" (Do any of you know Italian?) I wait for a moment to see if any of these morons will answer but seeing the looks of confusion on their faces gives me a very clear answer. I smirk at the teachers patient face before saying "Italiano la lingua del romanticismo. Naturalmente questi idioti non lo so." (italian the language of romance. Of course these morons don't know it.)The teacher gives me a disapproving look then says in a calm yet irritating way then replies "Nessun bisogno di essere crudele." (No need to be rude) all the kids are starring at me in disbelief as if me being a bad boy heartbreaker/rebel automatically means I'm stupid. Before I can say some crude words in a language that these dumbasses will understand the bell rings. I just glare angrily at the bell.
I'm the first one in History class so I sit down in the back corner and look at the little pixie of a teacher. Her desk plate says Mcgarden/Redfox. She turns to me and starts to speak before she catches my eyes and pauses. I see her eyes widen shes afraid of me I see a picture on her desk of the cop I gave a beat down early they're married I hide a grin. She takes a step toward the door but in a spilt second I'm baring her way I can see her take in a deep breath of fear as she steps backing away from me. I flash her my signature wicked grin. "Come on now don't be that way." I say softly as I approach. "Listen your husband and I got into a disagreement, okay. I'm not asking you to forgive me hell you don't even gotta like me. I'm asking you to treat me like any other student that's it. Fair?" She looks at me like a rabbit ready to bolt at the slightest wrong move. "Fine." She whispers. I turn around and go back to my seat. I might be an asshole but I don't go around scarring women on purpose. She's so tiny and adorable I kinda just feel like wrapping her in a hug and making sure she's safe. As class progresses she asks us to give dates to some wars.

Levy.               Natsu.
Mongol conquest?                    1205-1312
Hundred Years' War?              1337-1453
American Revolutionary         1775-1782
Napoleonic wars?                     1799-1815
American Civil War?               1861-1865
World War One?                       1914-1918
World War Two?                      1939-1945

Mcgarden glares at me and I smirk but before she can say another word the bell rings and I'm out the door in the blink of an eye.
     I step into math class and the first thing I see are stickers on the desks with our names. I sneer, like hell in sitting in the front of the room. I rip my sticker off of my desk and shred it into pieces. The teacher looks at me in shock by this time the class is starting to fill up. "Wh-why did you do that?" The teacher says completely shocked. I just give her that I don't give a damn smirk and say "I have a problem with the seating arrangement." The teacher shivers with rage and then she turns around scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I chuckle as I walk out the door before I leave though I turn around. "Here you can have this back." I crumple up the detention slip and throw it it lands with plop sound in her cup of steaming hot coffee the teacher looks like she's to lose a gasket. I narrow my eyes at her "you might wanna calm down before you bust something you might need." I wink at her then I'm gone out the door and up the hallway before she can manage to respond. I can hear all the kids in my math class dying of laughter and the teacher screaming at them to shut there damn mouths.
    As I'm walking I hear the lockers clang and a female voice cry out. I continue walking as I get closer I can hear them arguing. I turn the corner and I see Sting (ps I'm not hating on Sting) standing in front of a girl blocking her way. That's Lucy a painful memory arises but I push it away. "Come on darling" Sting says as he steps closer. She backs away till her back hits the lockers with a clang. Her eyes are wide and fearful. "I don't want to be your girlfriend! Let me go!" He just smiles as he reaches out and goes to touch her cheek but before his filthy hands can touch her I've grabbed him by the back of his shirt and flung him clear across the room and against the wall. He seems stunned at my intervention. "She said she didn't want anything to do with you. Last time I checked that meant stay the hell away." Lucy is shaking in fear behind me. "Don't" she whispers. I already know that his friend are here. She afraid for me. I laugh as I turn around and look her in the eyes "don't worry about me, okay. I'm not worth worrying about." She looks like she's going to say something but then falls silent.
     Sting gets to his feet and glares at me. "Come on out guys. We got ourselves a fight on our hands." Sure enough his little henchmen step out of the shadows. Rogue Stings adopted brother. Rufus with his long hair with an aptitude for gaging his opponents moves before they make them. Rogue's girlfriend Minerva a black belt in three different types of martial arts. Dobengal a scrawny brat that is extremely fast but kind of fragile. Dobengal is the first to attack. He attacks several times which I easily dodge then I whip around and slam my fist into his gut. He goes flying backwards and landed in a crumpled heap. I sense Sting and Rogue coming at me from both sides and I duck hitting the ground to avoid them. Rufus is on me in a second. I lash out at him aiming my foot at his chest but he grabs my leg and uses it to flip me over. I land on my feet much to his shock. I take out his ankles and he goes down with a howl of pain. Now there are three. My eyes widen as I feel wind hit my back Minerva I realize suddenly I lunge forward landing on top of the lockers as Minerva lands where I was a few seconds before. I leap of the lockers and pin Minerva to the ground. "Let her go" Rogue snarls. I just look at him. "Leave, and I will." Sting takes a step forward and I press my weight onto her spine she cries out in pain. Rogue grabs Stings arm and drags him away. As soon as they vanish around the corner I release Minerva she bolts straight for Rogue and Sting and doesn't look back.
       I turn around and look at Lucy "are you alright?" She's looking at me in shock, awe, and a little bit of fear. "No, I wanna go home" she whispers "then I'll take you home." Her eyes widened "really?" She says sounding confused. "Yeah let's go" I say as I turn around and walk away. She follows me hiding slightly behind my shoulder. I walk out and I see Gajeel the cop walking. Lucy freezes panicked. I just give him a look his face pales and he looks away and keeps walking. "Why is he just letting us go?" Lucy asks. I flash her a grin as I look at her. Her eyes widened "n-n-never mind" she mutters. "Wise decision" I mock. I see her smile slightly.
      As we walk down the streets and alleys to her house. I see her looking at me out of the corner of her eye but I don't comment on it. We come up to her house/Mansion. Her father opens the door. He looks concerned. I see her lip tremble and then shes sobbing and racing up the stairs wrapping her arms around her father. I look at Jude and then I turn and began to walk away. "Wait! What's your name?" Jude booming voice rings out hauntingly familiar. "Natsu" I say I didn't yell I just spoke in my normal voice the wind easily carrying my words to him. I turned the corner before he could say another word. I was going home I was tired.

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