Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Natsu's POV

Once I stagger into my house the first thing I do is grab a bottle of bourbon. Then I rummage through my pill cabinet and grab some heavy duty pain meds, for my splitting headache. I plop five of them in my mouth washing them down with a swig of bourbon. It doesn't take me long to demolish to first bottle or the second, third, fourth, or fifth either. I see my vision begin to blur and then I'm in a bourbon/painkiller induced coma of sorts.
     My eyes open abruptly and clamp closed just as quickly the blinding white make my eyes water. I sit up in the hospital bed the incessant sound of the heart monitor making my head pound. I hear a nurses shoes thumping across the hospital floor, and then she makes the corner her eyes widening in shock upon seeing me sitting up with my eyes open. She rushes over and begins to check my vitals. Her badge reads Grandeeney. "Do you need anything." I try to speak but only a choked coughing sound. She looks at me in understanding and hands me a glass of water. I ask the question, the question that I desperately need to know the answer of, but at the same time I'm terrified of Grandeeney's response. "What about the others?" My voice is raspy and weak when I look into her eyes I know something terrible happened. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel like crying yet I shed not a single tear. I look her right in the eyes, I can only bring myself to say one word "Juvia?" Grandeeney just nods and begins to cry. I just look at her in shock repeating the question "Juvia is gone?" Grandeeney wraps me in a hug. "I'm sorry." She whispers "I'm so sorry." I pull myself away from her, look her dead in the eye and say "you have nothing to be sorry for. People die all the time it no ones fault." I say. A mocking voice that only I can seem to hear hisses in my ear "lies. Lies. You're a hypocrite. You say that people die that no ones at fault. Yet you blame yourself." The voice begins to laugh hysterically at me.
I ignore it. "What about Erza, Lucy, Grey, and Jellal?" Grandeeney looks at me then says "it's time for you to get some rest." She says quietly. Then she turns to leave. I react without thinking twice. In a split second in standing in front of the door blocking her way tubes and wires completely ripped from my skin. Some of the tubes and wires were taped to me so securely that instead of being ripped from my skin the tubes had been ripped from their machines. I had a scalpel in my hand, and I was shaking violently. "I'll ask you one more time. I say my voice so cold it could turn the sun into a glacier. "What of the others?" My voice is smooth and silky. It is enough to make the hair on my owns arms stand on end and it has much the same effect on Grandeeney. She shivers slightly looking at the scalpel in my hand and the dangerous look in my eyes then says "Erza has lost her eye, we're making her a synthetic one as a replacement. She won't even have a scar. Jellal has barely left her side through it all. He has tried to visit you on several occasions but you never woke up. Grey was heartbroken after learning of Juvia's death. He had a mental breakdown and nearly killed his own brother, Lyon. He's in the mental ward in solitary confinement until we can finally get him to calm down enough to evaluate him. Lucy" she hesitated for a moment. "Lucy has amnesia. She remembers her name and her life but the details seemed to be mixed up. She no longer remembers any of you who were at the cliffs. Which includes Erza, Jellal, Grey, Juvia, Romeo, Wendy and you.
She looks at me to see my reaction. I lower the scalpel putting it back on the metal tray. I take in a deep breath steeling myself. I look Grandeeney in the eyes and nod "I'm glad that she doesn't remember any of that. She won't have to go through all the pain, suffering, and loss. I'm happy that she doesn't remember me I'm not good for anyone. I destroy everything I touch." My voice is dead. I turn and walk back to my bed and lay down I hear the door click shut. I just close my eyes I could care less if she get them to send me to the psych ward. I don't care about anything anymore. "Hahaha" the voice rings out. "You're lying to yourself. You still care about her. You'd stop everything throw your life away the instant she called your name. You'll always care about her. You can't hide from me. I'm the darkest most truthful part of your soul." Then there was nothing but silence.
     "Beep, Beep, Beep." I curl my hand in a fist and smash the creature making the in horrid noise. It takes a few moments for my intoxicated drug idled brain to comprehend that it was my alarm clock that was set for school. I groan, and roll back over and go to sleep.

Lucy's POV

I walk into school with a hop in my step. I can't wait to see Natsu again. It doesn't take me long to realize he's either late or he's not coming. I frown annoyed.

*timeskip* end of school day

"Hi Mira" I call out as I run up to the secretary. "Oh, hi Lucy. Shouldn't you be on your way home?" I smile at her "well I was wondering if you could tell me something off the record you know." I say sheepishly. Mira looks at me then laughs "we're officially off the record ask away Lucy." I fidget nervously before asking "can you tell me where Natsu Dragneel lives?" Mira looks at me arching an eyebrow questioningly. I blush and turn away. I see Mira's brows furrow as if she's confused. "What is it? Mira." I ask. Mira looks at me then says he doesn't have one specified on his school form. I'm sorry." Mira says "I can't help you." I sigh "that's okay Mira." I say quickly consoling her because she looks like she's about to burst into tears. I turn and begin to walk home. "Whelp" I say to myself "I hope he's at school tomorrow." I go home politely skipping dinner and go to my room to sleep.

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