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I've had like Zero inspiration of any new short stories for this book.

I know, pathetic ;~;

But I have received two requests that are really similar, and I can't really write them. Here's why:

So basically the summary of them is that Shinoa is jealous of Yuu and Mika, and vice versa.

I actually tried to write this, but it's not going to happen. The reason is because Shinoa is not the jealous type. In fact she would tease Yuu and Mika in the actual manga, and not be jealous at all. It's just not realistic. And with Yuu being jealous, yeah he is the jealous type, but Shinoa and Mika have veryy little interaction together (no offense to people who ship them, I lowkey ship them too and I'm not the person who hates on any ship), and considering that Mika fucking hates her (I know how can anyone hate her) it doesn't seem like Yuu has anything to be jealous of, and actually in the new chapters Yuu feels sorry for Shinoa.

This is nOTHING against the people who suggested this, I actually love you guys for giving me requests, it means so much to me that you want me to continue this book, and I just feel so lucky nabdiwosnjakw 💕

But moral of the story is, I have NOOOO inspiration, and if you guys could leave requests on this post, I'd appreciate it very much, and for sure will do your request in the future, or reply on how I can't do it.

If you have any further requests, you can write them on here. I don't really mind if you do it on my future posts, but putting it on here would be a lot easier for me to see it ^^

Thank you alllllll for your support, I absolutely love it when I see all your comments on how you like my story, it means a lot, and I would like to grow with you as a writer.

(seriously tho your comments make me the happiest person alive)

Thanks again, and leave requests if you have any in mind 💕

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