Special #2: Bad Lemonade

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Kat swore silently under her breath, knowing it wasn’t very polite, but it was so easy to revert to old bad habits when one was upset. And the pain in the bum pipe leaking under the manor was more than enough to make her upset.

Twisting it slightly to the left, she was rewarded with a blast of cold water in the face; quickly she turned it back, thinking a new stream of mental curses.

Fix the pipes Kat, it should be easy Kat, very simple. She mimicked Sebastian in her head, mocking the butler an easy way to relieve some of the stress. It is his fault I’m doing this anyway, so he should help in at least this way.

This time she turned it right, successfully closing off the leaky pipe, and fixing the problem.

“Kat! Kat, where are you?” Sebastian called from the top of the cellar stairs, “Are you still working on that pipe?” Kat directed a death glare up the steps to the butler who just smiled, “Now, now, no need for that. I would think though that you were more competent than that. Once your done I would like you to finish off the gardening for today, Vinny is sick and declares that he can’t finish it as he currently is. Goodbye.”

Kat gaped, incompetent? He thinks I’m incompetent? Well, I didn’t see you down here in the cellar fixing it Mr. High and Mighty.

Redirecting her foul mood to the task of mentally bad mouthing Sebastian Kat climbed the stairs out of the cellar to come into the blistering sunshine. Kat shielded her eyes from the glare as she surveyed what she had to do yet outside, preferably before the sun reached its zenith.

Let’s see…I need to prune the bushes, rake the grass, remulch the back few rose bushes, clean out an debris that might have blown in last night, clean the pond, water the plants, and weed everything. Overall, not that much…not really.


Wiping the sweat from her brow away with the back of her hand Kat stepped back into the blissful coolness of the manor. Soaking in the cool air and silence as opposed to the heat and chirping cicadas outside.

Thirsty, why did it have to be so hot, its only March…Her throat was scratchy from the heat and filled with dust from the work she had been doing. Spying a pitcher of lemonade on the counter she retrieved a glass from above the sink and poured a small glass. Even if it is for the Earl, Sebastian won’t throw a fit over this, and if he does I will just tell him I can make more.

Kat took a sip, relieving the ache in her throat. There that’s much better. The full flavor hit her hard and Kat grimaced, it was disgusting. Whoever had made this it definitely wasn’t Sebastian. Kat dumped what remained of her glass down the sink, the rest of what was in the pillar following sweet. There is no way I’m letting the Earl drink this tripe.

She was mixing another batch when Sebastian came in.

“What are you doing?”

“Making Lemonade, problem?” She arched a brow at him in question.

In return he frowned, “No, I was just curious.” His form wavered in front of her eyes for a moment. What in the world? Kat blinked once and everything fell back into place.

“Is something wrong?”

She poured in the measured amount of sugar, “Nope, not a thing, why?”

His frown deepened, “You just seem off.”

“Thank you ever so much, now if you please?” She shooed him towards the door.

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