Chapter 21: Consequences of a Lost Battle

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Kat blinked coming awake slowly. Where was she? She sat up slowly her hand at her throat as it throbbed painfully.

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you to rest when you are injured or sick. It’s ridiculous really.” Sebastian appeared, pushing her back against the mound of pillows she had been resting against.

“Sebastian? What happened?”

He smoothed out her covers, before pouring her a cup of tea, “I believe you passed out somewhere along the way home.”

Images of a man in black tearing into her throat ran through her mind but after that it got hazy, “I mean during the fight, what happened during the fight?”

“You don’t remember?” He handed her the cup, making sure she was capable of holding it before releasing it to her hands, “Well its simple that man attacked you and nearly tore your throat out, that leather band you had on, saved your life.”

Well that’s what it’s for. Her stomach rumbled and Sebastian arched an eyebrow at her, “Are you hungry?”

Kat dropped her eyes, “Maybe.”

“Then I will prepare something for you, is there anything in particular?”

“No, anything is okay.” You should know by now I’m not picky. A sharp pain in her stomach made her wince. She masked it before Sebastian saw, he had done enough and if he saw her wince he would ask if something was wrong, and of course Kat couldn’t lie.

Another sharp pain cut through her, what in the world? Her hands began to shake and the tea cup fell to splatter all over the covers.

Kat screamed as the pain spread rapidly throughout her entire body, making the marrow of her bones ache. My god, it feels like my bones are breaking!

“Kat? Kat, what’s wrong?” A cool hand rested on her forehead. Sebastian…that’s right he’s here. I can’t let him see that it hurts.

She smiled weakly, “Nothing, its okay.” She was panting now with the effort it took not to scream from the pain.

The butler eyed her dubiously, but turned to leave, “Fine, I will return shortly.” He gathered the stained covers in his arms before leaving, “Kat I do hope you are not lying to me.” And then he was gone.

Thank you, another wave of agony racked her. She bit her lip until it bled to keep from making a sound, her vision shook and blurred at the edges. Please Lord, make it stop…please… there was one last wave of pain, ten times worse than the last, and then everything went black.


Sebastian finished placing everything on the tray before heading back to Kat’s room, a knot of worry in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t particularly care about her, but he knew that she must be in a great amount of pain to lie so blatantly.

He could practically feel the pain that had emanated from her as she just smiled and told him that she was fine.


Balancing the tray on one hand he turned the door knob. “Kat, I believe…that…” Holy Mother of God. A black panther stared fixedly at Sebastian with deep blue eyes. Quickly he slammed the door back shut, what on earth? Carefully, he cracked the door back open and peered inside. The large cat was teetering about the room on unsteady legs. Like a newborn…it’s not possible, it’s just not…she’s human…

“Kat?” The panther turned its head catching him in its sapphire eyed gaze. It is her…the tray fell from his hands to the floor and he fell to his knees. Why do I feel so weak right now? Like I’ve let her down? I should only worry about the Earl and yet I worry over this as well…

Kat growled softly and nuzzled his shoulder, a feline consolation.

He reached up to scratch behind her ears, “I’m sorry Kat.”


Everything was so bright; everything had a crisp clearer edge that had been missing while she was human. There were smells, also that she had never been able to observe before, like the rich smell of the un cooked venison that Baldroy was burning in the kitchen or the roses that Vinny was steadily spraying with weed killer.

Sebastian stroked her ears, eyes in a faraway place. “I’m sorry Kat.”

Kat growled deeply, the sound rumbling in her chest, you have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t know how this happened but I know it’s not your fault. Gently she took his sleeve in her jaws and led him out into the hall, nearly dragging him until he managed to get to his feet.

You will not feel sorry for me Sebastian! First of all you did not do this, second of all, it’s not that bad. And lastly, there is simply too much to do for you to mope about what’s happened to me, it’s not like we’re engaged or anything so I don’t know why you’re worrying in the first place,, but…whatever you get the point.

She continued to tug him towards the kitchen stopping only once when a bright ray of sun shine blinded her momentarily.

“Kat I can walk by myself thank you.” He withdrew his sleeve from her jaws. “Now where are you going?” She twitched her tail with impatience as she trotted on, aware of every sound and sight of the hall way that had appeared plain and empty before. “Kat?”

Please, be quiet I am currently enjoying this. It’s a weird concept, I know, that I should be enjoying this weird occurrence, is kinda fun.

“What? Kat, did you just speak?”

Did I? Why not try again? “I think so.” I did talk! Kat twitched her tail with excitement, for some reason she was happy.


Ciel blinked, watching the large cat in front of him who returned his stare with equal intensity. It shouldn’t be possible, not in the least, but then again demons and demon hounds were not supposed to exist either.

The Earl narrowed his eyes; she had transformed into a cat with the lighter build of an African plains cat but was a bit heavier with the muscles of a black jungle cat. Plus she can talk, a perfect spy, and even better, she doesn’t make me sneeze.

“I believe that this will work out in our favor. Kat is there any way at all for you to change back?” If she could change back that would be even better.

“I can try, but I have honestly no idea how.” Her ears went back as her eyes closed, scrunching together in concentration. There was a loud bang and Kat sat back on the floor, totally bewildered. “It worked…I cant believe it, but it worked.”

Interesting…”What did you do?”

“I just thought of what I looked like as a human and poof, I’m back to normal.”

Well, that’s...simple. “Sebastian, do not bother keeping this from the other servants, act normally, this is nothing nearly as terrible as what the Phantomhive name has faced before.”

“Yes my lord.”


A kinda short chapter compared to what I usually post, sorry. But Kat is a...well cat. So how is this going to change the Phantomhive household? What really is the demon who did this? We'll find out sooner or later, not telling which. :D Chapter 22 Overview: Kat looses her temper and Sebastian uses a word that is completely out of character....

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