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Hey there! Here I'll tell you a lot of my life struggles... yeah.
I was a sad person... idk.

I am really awesome. How? Hmmm.. let's see... I uhh... I like sleeping. Pretty cool right? Oh I also like eating! Eating and sleeping is also my best talents. Not like I have any other talents besides watching anime, but isn't that so great? I even practice sleeping for 7 hours every night and practice eating uhhh maybe 10 times a day! I put lots of effort into eating a sleeping, it's become a huge part of my life. Anime I guess is a hobby, which is waaaaay different from eating a sleeping. Obviously.
What else do I do? Hmmm let's see... I go outside daily and dance around embarrassing myself. My neighbors think I'm weird, so many of them moved just because of me. But inc I'll care less! Their houses are on sale and no one has bought them yet, so I dance around on their lawns too. Well to rephrase that, I have no neighbors. *cries*
Speaking of dancing around and embarrassing myself, no one watches me weirdly dance anymore. So I'm not really embarrassing myself anymore, I just like running around. Yup yup.
What else is so great about my life? Well that's all there is to it.

A hehe note^
Oh yeah if you haven't realized already this is uhhh really stupid and I made up like most of this stuff. Don't know why but this is the first chapter.
Next will be even more stupid! (And coming after that will be a real weird life struggle of mine)
^-^ KAWAII ^o^

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