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Amber POV

We made it to a ship and was greeted by a old looking man.

" Captain you can't go running off and taking random girls," He said

" She is mine now shut up or I will kill you," Kamui said smiling 

I nuzzled my face into his neck as he started to walk in and take me to his what I assumed his room. When we walked in h threw me on the bed. Then he pinned me down.

" Amber," He said husikly

" Y-yes," I asked 

Then he kissed me roughly and started to like my lip for entrance.

I immeditly opened my mouth and he started to explore my mouth. He then started to kiss my neck trying to find my sweet spot making me moan when he found it. He smirked and started to suck on it. He went lower and lower and then looked up at me and said." Amber," with lust filled eyes. Then he started to take off my bandaged and then he

------Time skip till morning--------

   I woke up in an unfamiliar room and looked down to see myself naked. I started to get up and couldn't because some thing was wrapped around waist I turned to see Kamui sleeping peacefully. I blushed remembering last night events.

 I wiggled my way out of his grip and stood up falling almost instantly.

Damn he was not kidding when he said I wouldn't walk tomorrow.

 I wobbled  my way to the bathroom and gathered my clothes or what is left of them when I came out I found Kamui still sleeping. I slowly crept my way out of the room and left trying to navigate my way out of the ship.

I was lost I cam to that conclusion 5 min ago but then I was suddenly kicked acrossed the room.

" Ow," I groaned

" What are you doing here, girlie," some guy sneered

" None of your business now get out of my way," I sneered

He smirked 

" No can do," He said running up to me and trying to kick me I grabbed his foot.

Luckily my heat was over

" I have no time to deal with small fry now go away," I said twisting his foot causing it to break.

" Small fry I show you," He sneered

" Tch," I said 

Now once again I am roaming the halls totally lost after I killed that guy I have blood all over me. Luckily though I managed to grab a sword. Bu then I ran into someone that I wished I hadn't.

" Well if it isn't the Fake Scarlet Fairy," I said

" Shut up girlie you have no idea who you are messing with," She said

" Oh really what am i dealing with cause all I see is a girl who call herself something she is not,"  I said

" I am the REAL FAIRY QUEEN," She said

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