⌛ ➅ : psycho. ⌛

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Chapter 6: psycho.

"What are we doing today?"

I yawned as Luke got out of the bed, his long legs touching the ground as he stood. "Let's go to the village centre, see if there are some classes we can sign up for," he said, going over to his closet and pulling out two different shirts. "Here," he said, throwing me a purple tie die one. I looked at my little paintings before putting the top on and getting out of bed too.

"What kind of classes are there?" I asked, intrigued that this place had somewhere you could learn things.

"Loads," he replied, pulling up his jeans. "Depends on who's there. C'mon, if we go now we might be able to join a class before it starts."

Reluctantly I headed downstairs after him, the morning sun gleaming through the windows and creating shadows on Luke's sculpted face. Only then did I realise how attracted I was to him... not just his beauty but his voice, his art abilities, his personality. Never before had I liked someone like him. My boyfriend back home, Tris, supposedly hadn't made it, so I guess you could say I was single again.

"What are you staring at?" he asked suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, nothing. Aren't we going?"

He smiled firmly. "Yep, I'm just getting my money pouch."

I snorted. "Money pouch?"

"Yeah...? What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing at all..."

We traversed through the old rustic village whose buildings were beginning to crumble, the trees blowing gently in the breeze as we passed the few villagers residing there. Soon, the commotion of the city became more and more obvious once we'd arrived at the centre; a place for trade, advertisements and learning.

"Do you think we could visit the voice fountain today?" I asked idly, having a desire inside to see whether or not my parents were in my hospital room. He appeared to freeze next to me, and frowned.

"I.. I don't think we can. Or should. Sorry..."

This confused me – why wouldn't he want to hear his family? I was dying to hear my mum shout 'tidy your room!' or my sister sing her favourite R&B tunes just one more time.

Luke walked up to a big notice board, his eyes scouring the pieces of paper for something of interest. "Hey Calum, come over here. Which course do you want? They're holding an art one in ten minutes, or we can wait for an hour for an interesting talk from a villager," he said, pointing at the papers.

"I don't mind, whichever you want." To be honest, I just wanted a reason to be away from Michael and his new friends. They pretty much spent all their time by the lake so I was safe here.

It wasn't that I didn't like them – I just didn't get why they hated Luke. Moreover, they had changed Michael and I didn't like his new self very much. Luke was far better in terms of company, because he didn't require a lot from you as he was quite self-sufficient.

We decided to go to the art class first, since the teacher was someone Luke knew, and we found seats at the back of the old classroom behind maybe seven or eight others.


"Now, I'd like us to study something a bit different. We've all drawn landscapes millions of times; they can get pretty boring, especially if there's no variation. So, can we have a volunteer to come up and be a model?" the teacher asked, perching on her desk, a pencil twiddling through her fingers. No one spoke, or made a noise, until her eyes landed upon me. "Oh, you at the back. Can you come up? I see tattoos! They'd be fascinating to draw."

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