Chapter 5: Happy Birthday

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I swear, I didn't die! Here is the long awaited chapter 5! I had a lot of writers block, but I'm back now! Hope you guys enjoy!

Btw the next few chapters are just gonna be fluffy stuff, and thanks for 3K reads! This is the most popular story I have. Thank you all for being patient! ^^


I pressed the off button the TV remote, nothing good was on. It's all Mettaton this, Mettaton that. It gets annoying after a while. Try to have some sort of a variety, geez.

It might also be my strong dislike for him, I've seen so many timelines, and in a lot of them he and Pap end up together. Heartbreaking is the only word that can describe those moments.

At least Papyrus was happy, that's all I care about. I'll be fine, as long as he's happy. Sure, there is times when he gets upset, but I know him better than anyone else does. Cheering him up is easy, it's what I do best.

Papyrus was currently at "training" with Undyne, so I have a few hours to myself. He left not even 10 minutes ago, so there's still time.

Today is Pap's birthday, but I have no idea what to get him. It's kind of funny, even after every reset I can manage to keep track of the days. The minimum of each timeline is at least 4 days, but the longest timeline I've gotten to was around 9 days.

  But that's beside the point, it's time to get to work! There's gotta be something he'll like at the shop, right? I should've been preparing for this. But this couch is so comfy, do I really have to get up?

   Ugh, this is when being lazy gets annoying. I got up and headed out towards the shop, hoping there was something good there.

I trudged through the snow (we got two more inches last night!) and pushed the shop doors open, the bell singing loudly as to tell the clerk I was here.

"Welcome Sans! What brings ya here today?" The clerk asked, continuing to restock one of the shelves.

"it's Pap's birthday so I need to buy him something. just like me to do everything last minute, eh?" I replied with a laugh.

"Well you are just in luck! The royal scientist actually brought in some new things she found in The Dump just a few minutes ago!" The clerk said, putting the last item on the shelf behind her. "I put the box in the back so I'll only take a moment."

"thanks Clerk!" I said as she headed to the back. I just learned this but the rabbits name is actually Clerk, I can't believe I never knew that.

(I wanted to give the shopkeeper a name so yeah XD)

  She came back with a cardboard box in her hands, completely full. Some things were even spilling out of it as she walked over.

  Clerk set the box down on the counter and pulled out all of the items one by one, placing them into a straight line.

  I looked over the items, thinking carefully about what Papyrus might want. There was a few simple things, like action figures and some colorful trinkets, but what caught my eye was a pair of shiny orange gloves.

  Papyrus' gloves are really worn out, considering he has worn them ever since that costume party forever ago, and I think he would love some new ones.

  "how much are the gloves?" I asked, reaching into my pocket to grab my wallet.

  "20 G." Clerk answered, crossing her arms and smiling.

  I slid the 20 G onto the counter, watching as she placed the gloves into a small box and wrapping it up with some white wrapping paper and topping it with a bow.

  "Have a nice day Sans, tell your brother I said happy birthday!" She said, handing me the box and putting the G into the register.

  "see ya." I replied, waving a quick goodbye before leaving the store. I quickly headed back to the house, hoping Pap hadn't returned yet.

  The lights weren't on and the door was still locked, so unless he used the spare key I left him and decided to take a nap, he wasn't home yet.

  I unlocked the door and shuffled inside, flipping on the lights and looking around.

  Perfect, he hasn't came back yet.

  I grabbed the spare party decorations from our closet and set everything up.

  Now to wait.

| Time Skip |
| 3rd Person P.O.V |

  Papyrus questioned whether anyone was home as he walked up to him and Sans' house, seeing as all the lights were off.

  He opened the door, as it wasn't locked, only to be met with an eerie silence and darkness.

He flipped the light switch and was surprised to see party decorations and Sans happily standing in the living room.

"surprise bro! happy birthday." Sans said, stuffing his hands into his iconic blue jacket pockets.

"IS THIS ALL FOR ME? THANK YOU BROTHER!" Papyrus replied with shock, walking over and giving the shorter skeleton a hug.

"i bought you a present, it's sitting on the table. but first, there's cake." Sans said, leading Papyrus over to the kitchen.

Sitting on the counter was a small, white cake with the words "Happy Birthday" written in orange frosting on it.

  "WOWIE! A CAKE TOO? THANK YOU SO MUCH SANS!" Papyrus said gleefully.

  Sans smiled, even though his face was always stuck in one, this one was real. Hearing his brother say his name and not just "Brother" or "Lazy Bones" made him happy.

  "no prob bro, its birthday tradition, right?" Sans said, his smile never faltering.

  Papyrus stuck his finger in the icing and tasted it. "THIS TASTES AMAZING! THE GREAT PAPYUS APPROVES!" He complimented.

  Sans grabbed plates and silverware and they ate the cake, enjoying a nice conversation while doing so.

  Well, it was mostly Papyrus talking. Shouting actually. But when Sans asked what he did at Undyne's house, Papyrus went silent for a moment and immediately changed the topic.

  It confused Sans, he wasn't sure what had happened, but I made Papyrus uncomfortable, so naturally he didn't run it up again.

  They played some of Papyrus' favorite board games and watched a few movies, it all ended with Sans falling asleep and Papyrus carrying him to his bed.

  Papyrus stood there for a moment, wanting so badly to kiss the smaller skeleton sleeping before him, but decided against it.

  He had trouble falling asleep that night.

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