Interview with @Cfunk3

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@Cfunk3 is the author of 'The Return' which has made it to the Watty Awards 2013 finalists ! She is also an active participant in the forums and has a thread called 'Teen Writers need help? The teacher is In!'. The link to this thread in provided in the external link.



1. What do they call you?

A. Cfunk3 (and yes, Funk is REALLY my name).

(lol! that's hard to believe)

2. For how long have you been writing?

A. As long as I've been reading.

3. Which part of writing a story, do you enjoy the most? (Creating characters, the plot and the subplots, the beginning/ending or the middle)

A. I love writing dialogue. I think my secret desire is to be a screen writer.

4. Have you faced any embarrassing moments, in terms of writing?

A. Heck yeah! I used to write a bunch of cliched high school 'Breakfast Club' ripoffs in middle school that had paragraphs describing what the characters were wearing. My parents still make fun of me for it to this day!

(I am not laughing *shakes head*)

5. Which is your favorite color? Have you made any reference to it in your story/stories?

A. My favorite color is green and I suppose I've inadvertently referenced it more than once in my work, but a lot of my stories take place in the woods so it's hard not to ;)

6. Out of the stories you have written on Wattpad, which is the most memorable one?

A. 'The Return' is the one with the most attention, but I'm currently posting part two, 'The Resurrection', and it's my personal favorite in the series so far.

7. Are you planning on publishing soon?

A. I say I am, but I haven't take any steps to do so. I don't do well with rejection and the publishing world is ripe for rejection.

8. Which is your favorite book/series on Wattpad?

A. I have a few. I love @KatherineArlene's 'Stolen Hearts' and part two, 'Love You Forever'. I'm a huge fan and beta reader of @SoCameraShy's 'Behind Those Eyes'. @SeeThomasHowl made me a believer of the short story (check out 'A Cookie for Timmy'). @Lucy_Limerick is a hilariously funny writer. I salivate every time @bnlfan updates 'Flawed', and I kind of want to be @lennwebster when I grow up ;)

(Impressive list!)

9. What kind of help do you provide - critiques, free advice or editing?

A. I run an advice thread 'Teen Writers Need Help? The Teacher is In. I had to start a new thread as the original one reached the maximum amount of comments and was shut down!

(click on the external link to go to the thread mentioned above !)

10. Which author do you idolize (off Wattpad)?

A. Right now..@Jessica_Sorenson. I think she might think I'm stalking her.

11. If you were a newbie, which part of the story would you focus on most?

A. The plot. Always the plot! Everything else can be fixed and tweaked, but if you have a flawed're screwed.

(I agree with that one :))

12. Which is your favorite character (off Wattpad) ?

A. That's a hard one! I guess (and this is going to make me sound totally ridiculous) but off the top of my head...I love Lucky Santangelo. A heroine in a series of Jackie Collins books. (I know! I know!) But honestly, she was the first woman I read about who was tough as nails. Strong, smart, and independent...she made me believe that feminism could be sexy as hell.

13. If you were given a choice to become one character (of your story posted on Wattpad) which one would you be and why?

A. I'd be Caroline. She seems to have all the fun and gets to live life without any consequences. Sounds ideal.

14. Do you prefer dark romance or the usual?

A. I prefer ANY romance. I'll take it where I can get long as it's realistic and doesn't make me feel like I'm watching some cheesy, predictable Lifetime movie.

15. Where do you look for your inspiration?

A. I read...a lot. Plus TV shows inspire me. There are some really good, well-written series out there. When I'm finished with 'The Return' series I already have my next book in mind and it was inspired by a scene in Homeland.

16. What’s your favorite TV show?

A. Impossible to answer. I watch everything from Downton Abbey to The Real Housewives. I'm an abuser of the boob tube! I love me some TVD, Scandal, and Walking Dead.

17. Do you prefer more reads, votes or comments?

A. Comments! Always comments! They're the only way I know if I'm doing anything right or terribly wrong.

18. Imagine the world is collapsing around you, what would you choose to save – technology or books?

A. Technology with my books stored on my iPad. I kind of cheated right there, didn't I?

(lol! Yes you did !)

19. What is the best advice you have given and received?

A. "This too shall pass."

20. Any extra tips for our young writers?

A. Just like you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you reach your prince, you've got to attempt to write a lot of crappy books before you stumble onto a plot that's begging to be written. It will happen with persistence.


I hope you liked the interview guys ! ^^

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