Interview with @RobMay

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@RobMay is the author of the 'Dragon Killer' series and the 'Alien Disaster' series. The link to the first book in the Dargon Killer series is given in the external link.



1. What do they call you?

A. I like it when people call me 'Ace', or failing that: 'Big Man.'

2. For how long have you been writing?

 A. Four hours today, until I got distracted by a YouTube video of a dancing cat.

3. Which part of writing a story, do you enjoy the most? (Creating characters, the plot and the subplots, the beginning/ending or the middle)

A. When I've finished a scene and can go and raid the fridge as a reward.


4. Have you faced any embarrassing moments, in terms of writing?

A. Once I was writing in the nude, I finished a cool scene, stood up quickly and slammed down the laptop lid in triumph, and ... ARRGH!

(*laughing really hard*)

5. Which is your favorite color? Have you made any reference to it in your story/stories?

 A. What is a color? Is that something like a colour?

6. Out of the stories you have written on Wattpad, which is the most memorable one?


7. Are you planning on publishing soon?

A. Already done it. Very occasionally, someone misclicks and accidently buys one of my books.

8. Which is your favorite book/series on Wattpad?

A. The Dragon Oracles by  @tjgarrett are pretty good.

9. What kind of help do you provide - critiques, free advice or editing?

A. All of the above, with some sarcasm and winking smileys thrown in too.

10. Which author do you idolize (off Wattpad)?

A. @Lady_Lucia altough it's mainly her glasses I worship.

11. If you were a newbie, which part of the story would you focus on most?

A. Story, characters, language … anything so long as you're not obsessing over POV.

12. Which is your favorite character (off Wattpad) ?

 A. A demon called Nate in Revelation by @GemmaHumphrey

13. If you were given a choice to become one character (of your story posted on Wattpad) which one would you be and why?

A. I would be Rafe from Dragon Killer and try not to— (answer cut by the Spoiler Police.)

14. Do you prefer dark romance or the usual?

A.  Whatever I can get!

15. Where do you look for your inspiration?

A. Usually at the bubbles in the sink while I'm washing the dishes.

(*falls on the ground laughing*)

16. What’s your favorite TV show?

 A. Right now—The Bridge. All time—Six Feet Under.

17. Do you prefer more reads, votes or comments?

A. Comments … so long as they are nice ones.

(aye! don't we all want them :))

18. Imagine the world is collapsing around you, what would you choose to save – technology or books?

A. Technology. It's probably easier to write some new books.

19. What is the best advice you have given and received?

A. Given: Add more chile powder!

Received: Never go in the shower without a mongoose.


20. Any extra tips for our young writers?

A. Read lots of books, in lots of genres, by new and old writers. And keep writing, even though when you get older you'll look back and think you can do so much better now.


I hope you liked it guys !

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