Part 2

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A month after the twins were born shade attacked the school while Lily and teddy were there while their twins were at Their godparents house rose and scorpius
Lily and teddy helped fight

"Teddy I'm scared"lily whispered as they stood look out on top of the astronomy tower.teddy grabbed Lily's hand and hold it to reassure it will be fine when they heard a voice if a death eater
"Look their up there"he said from down below
"I love you lil"teddy said
"I love you to ted"lily replied and next they were on the floor next to each other hand in hand and one if lily's hand on the window sill

Next few hours later every one was searching for the people missing the potters and Weasley family were looking for Lily and Teddy now one thought to look in the towers
Seamus was looking at the sky when a flash caught his eyes as he was looking for his wife.he quickly ran up the steps and slammed open the door but only saw a young couple he didn't know who they were so he got some people to get a gurney to put them on and cover them up and bring them to the hall and find a spare place to put them.
"Hey Seamus any look finding Kat"asked a sad voice behind him he turned to see harry potter
"No any look finding your Daughter"he asked back
"Not yet were gonna look at the astronomy tower in a minute"harry replied
"Oh i just went up there they just brung down two teens well they looked like teens"Seamus mussed
"Did you recognise them"Harry asked
"No they were in a really bad shape but their eyes were open you should go see you might know them"Seamus suggested
"I will now i just need to get Gin"

"Gin we need to see if we recognise these teens come on"harry said to his wife
"Okay"and they went to find the Teens

"Excuse me do you happen to know where the people from the astronomy tower are"asked Ginny the man pointed to the group of healers one healer said "the girls dead" the other said "the boy is as well do you know who their parents are"the lady nurse said
"I haven't got a clue"
Then the healers move to the next people
Harry pulled back the cover of the boy while Ginny pulled back the cover of the girl little did they know their family except the rest of the potters followed them. ginny looked at harry and they pulled them back to look at their faces all their family could see was the girls red hair thats what made Arthur Gasp molly looked at him so he pointed to the hair
"Harry"Ginny whispered staring at the girl
"Who is it gin"
"Its lily"she sobbed as harry pulled her into a hug
"Mum dad"asked a voice behind the rest of the family they turned to see Lilia-mona twin sister to lily
"Lilia wait up"said a voice behind Lilia
"Al we need to find mum wait what happend"James asked
Then Lilia caught sight of the red hair on the gurney
"Please tell me thats not who i think it is"She whispered no one said any thing
"Its lily isn't it"James asked
Hermione nodded Lilia collapsed to her knees James sat and pulled her into a hug while Al stood there in shock with tears rolling down his checks
"I fount li wait whats happened you fount lily haven't you"asked Archie the eldest potter whilst lily is the youngest potter and Weasley
They nodded their heads yet again whilst he also dropped to his sisters side whilst Al sill stood there
"Al sweetie come here"said Molly al walked over to his nan and cried on her shoulder whilst harry and Ginny hold teddy and Lily's hands ginny who was holding Lily's hand looked to see no wedding ring
"Wait Archie"Ginny asked Archie lifted his head
"What was it you fount"Ginny asked
"Lily's wedding ring"
"And where was that"
"Down bellow the astronomy towers window sill"    

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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