Chapter 13

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Dashawn's P.O.V

I been at Sky Zone with Zaire for a good minute and she having a lot of fun we are on this big trampoline jumping around yes she made me get on but it was bad because it was other Dad's here with their children too.
"Daddy I thirsty" Zaire said

"Alright come on babygirl let's go get you something to drink"

I go get Zaire something to drink and eat so we sit down and start to talk

"I happy you me daddy"

"I am to babygirl"
"Daddy why that women keep looking at us"I turn my head and see one of my old hoes Alexis looking at me and Zaire

"I don't know don't pay her any kind babygirl"

"I think she likes you daddy but you can't have you because mommy will get mad"

"Why you say that babygirl"

"Brecause daddy momwy likes you she talks about you with Auntie Jazmine all the time on the phone....Oops" she covers her mouth.
"I not swuppose to say nothing."

I couldn't help but smirk I knew she was feeling a nigga I mean who wouldn't
"Don't worry babygirl I won't tell"

"Pwinky promise"

"Pinky promise"

We play a lil more before she starts getting tired. I take her to the car strap her in and head back to Crystal's place.


"Open the door Crystal" I said. Zaire went to sleep on the way to Crystals house and I had all the toys we brought while we where out in my hands plus Zaire

Once Crystal opened the door I hurry and put Zaire down so I won't wake her.

"Took you a long time to open up"

"Sorry I'm cooking" she said from around the kitchen I didn't even get to see her when I walked in she just opened the door and went right back to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and she looked so sexy. She had her hair straight going down get back with some gray really short shorts with a tink top on I just couldn't stop looking. It might've seen simple to y'all but I like when women don't have on all that make up and just wear something simple but sexy but aye we all have different taste.

Crystal's P.O.V

"Hello Dashawnnnnn" I say

"Oh my bad ma you look good"

"Oh so you checking me out" I say smirking

"Hell yeah who wouldn't" he said

I smile and go back to cooking

"Mommy" I hear Zaire say from her room.  As I'm about to walk off to see if she okay Dashawn pulls me back into his arms.
"What Dashawn?"

"Give me a kiss first" 

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips before walking off to Zaire's room.

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