{JADES POV} I walk around the house franticly trying to find my converses for school. I slip on my parka, white crop top and blue jeans ready for school. Me mam decided to take a picture of me and post it on Instagram because its my first day at college
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(Yes i know its not Norma's actual icon okay!!??😂i couldn't find her actual icon okay! Don't shoot me or get triggerd about it😂😂😂) I arrive to school with my best friend lauren and a cotton candy frapp from starbucks in my hand exited for my first class
My favourite teacher is my maths teacher mrs Edwards. Shes so beautiful. Shes looks like a hot grown up goldilocks. Im so lucky i have her all day today. Her lessons are always fun!. Tusedays are the best days because thats when i have her all day. I managed to take a picture once of her while she was telling us what pages in the maths text book we had to do
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"Poopy, your drooling" my best friend lauren (yes from 5h) said to me as she poked me. "W-what?" I stutter and wipe my mouth
Lauren is so amazing. She stands up to me and looks after me to make sure I'm okay Shes dating this girl named Canola. Im happy for them. She makes lauren really happy
Class hasn't started yet so i decided to post on instagram
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Class starts about 5 minitues later
"Okay class today we are going to do some math" she said in her cute Geordie accent
She went on and on about the quadratic equation and because it was her teaching i listened to every word she said. Her blonde locks swayed side to side beautifully in a neat pony tail. Her blue eyes glared at me as she asked me "Jade, whats the answer?" "The answer is 12" (ONLY REAL MIXERS WILL GET THAT REFERENCE Oh My Gosh! IM DYING😂)
The lunch bell rang but i was still frozen in love. I didn't have a packed lunch or money today so i had to stay in the classroom with the teacher. I didn't care. She was the most beautiful teacher ever
She said to me "are you okay?" "Yes" "Okay. How come u haven't gone to lunch?" She asked concerned about me "I forgot my lunch and my money" "Oh i see okay" she says reaching for her bag. What is she doing? She got out her purse and gave me $5 "Here jade, i don't want you starve" "Really miss? Your really giving me money?" "Yes" she said "now go get some food" she added looking at my thin stomach. The truth is i never eat. I battle with anorexia and its taken over me. I hate the thought of food so i have these pills that make me think i have had food so i don't get hungry.
I went to the bathroom, pulled out my purse and put the $5 in it and took 2 of my pills like i usually do.
I walk back to class after 10 minutes so it seems like I've eaten something to Perrie and sat in my normal spot with parka on the back of the chair and my Disney pencil case and my princess jasmine notebook on the desk open on the page i was writting at
Next lesson i was still sat frozen staring at Perrie. She did the afternoon register and as she usually would and when she called my name i answerd with "yes love?" Rather then yes miss. I was so embarrised
The sound of laughter from everyone echoed around the room and into my head. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. My cheeks went bright red.
The laughter lasted about 20 minutes until miss eventually got fed up and yelled "will everyone be quiet?! How would you feel if you were being laughed at like you laughed at jade then? Huh? Its not nice is it? No. Now stop and be quiet! The next person to laugh gets detention." I blushed as she stood up for me. Lauren rubbed my back and whispered "i always knew you liked miss" and smirked at me I mouthed to her "shut it"
After class Perrie ,aka the blonde goddess, asked me to stay behind "Jade?" "Yes" "Do you like me?" She asked "Um... y-yeah" i sighed "Really?" She said slightly hopeful "Really." "Theres something i must confess" she said looking down to the ground, which had dirt all over it "What is it miss?" "U-um..........." perrie stutterd
[YAY MY FIRST CHAPTER COMPLETE I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! What do you think it is that perrie will confess? Find out in chapter 2 coming soon!]