Such Terrible Timing.

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"I thought you and Doffy got along well? Isn't that why you wear similar coats?" Your question earning a quiet snicker from the blonde as he rapidly shakes his head. Judging by the expression on his face you're not too far off but you're certainly not right.

"I used to work for him, I had to wear that coat for my job. I still wear it now because it's pretty comfy~" He explains honestly, any further questions getting completely smacked out of your brain when the toilet seat suddenly breaks, falling to the floor and taking Rosinante down with it. 

You want to ask him if he's alright but all that escapes your lips is giggles, your hands desperately trying to cover your mouth as the blonde rises to his feet with a pale blush spreading across his cheeks. 

The blush only deepening when his eyes land on your, well at first glance they land on your chest that the bubbles are no longer covering before instantly shifting up to your face as you cover up using your arms instead. But it would seem it's too late, the sight has been seen.

And even worse, you actually need a favor from the flustered male. "Rosi," you begin, your eyes unintentionally avoid contact with his as anxiety spreads throughout your stomach. Oh God, help me. "Can you...maybe wash my hair for me? M-My arms have done all limp..."

Of all the timing, right? You can't lift the limbs any higher than your chest right now, but they're beginning to feel so weak that you can't even keep them there much longer. "Y-Yeah...sure, I can d-do that." The blonde stutters, shyly making his way over to you.

His amber eyes glued to the bottles on the edge of the tub rather than you though, the cutie crouching down and picking up your shampoo bottle, even going so far as to read the back to make sure it is actually yours and not one of the guys.

To make this task easier, you turn your back to him so he has better reach to your hair, bringing your knees up to cover your chest since they're not as limp as your arms. It's a feeble attempt really since the blonde had already seen you in all your glory.

You can't contain the content smile gracing your lips as he runs his fingers through your hair, massaging the shampoo into your strands. You just can't get enough of his touch, he has gentle fingers but they're still strong. 

Hell, you're sure he can beat the crap out of a man if he wanted. The thought triggering a forgotten memory from last night, when you witnessed him punch Shanks in the stomach. It seemed like it hurt the redhead and Shanks is sure as hell not a weak guy...

Wait, why did he punch Shanks? Wait...Shanks is ripped, so Rosinante must be so damn muscular underneath his clothes!

An uncontrollable shiver running up your spine as you think about the tough blonde, your brain conjuring up images of what he'd look like shirtless and even in just his boxers. And damn. 

He'd look so damn good~!!

"Are you okay?" He questions sweetly, clearly noticing you shiver and earning a simple nod of your head. Your brows knitting together as your eyes fall shut in irritation. But not with him, with yourself.

You need to control these feelings, [F/n]! Or you're gonna end up getting yourself hurt again!

Your self-lecturing completely going to waste when Rosinante begins to rinse the shampoo out of your hair, the sensation of the water flowing through your hair and down your back having your stomach in knots and your cheeks burning up.

Rosinante's hand brushing through your locks with the water to help get rid of the suds, a wide grin spreading across his lips as he pulls away. "I think I got 'em all~" He chimes, of course you have to make sure.

Your fingers lacing through your clean strands as a cheerful smile graces your features, your orbs glancing back to Rosinante. The blonde looking only slightly nervous, you can tell he's proud of his work but also doubtful, perhaps he had never washed a woman's hair before. 

"It feels so soft now~" You coo merrily, your arm growing tired again. This time, you manage to grab the edge of the bathtub before your arms fall completely limp. Rosinante growing slightly concern as he makes his way over to you, carefully gripping your shoulders and holding you above water.

I need to get out but I can't fucking move my arms!

Without thinking it through, you put all your strength into your legs. Pushing yourself up to your feet in attempts to climb out of the tub, of course you didn't even stop to consider the fact that Rosinante is stood right in front of you.

Your legs are unfortunately quick to collapse, your bare body falling against the blonde and causing him to fall to the bathroom floor, unintentionally pulling you down with him.

It's just as you land on him the door opens, revealing a worried-looking Sabo. "Hey, [F/n]? You okay in--? W-WOW! O-Okay~!" The young man looked pretty stern upon entering with his furrowed brows and confident body language, naturally it's all gone to shit now. 

His eyes widening from shock as a deep blush breaks out across his face, the young blonde stuttering a quick apology before pulling the door shut immediately. "Y-You guys didn't tell me that Rosinante was in there!!" You hear him try to scold despite his embarrassment, only earning teasing chuckles. 


"Oh~? What did you see yoi~?!"

Honestly going to kill Marco one of these days...

Your attention finally drifting down to the blonde beneath you, the poor male seemingly unsure where to look. He tries to position his hands where they can easily help you up but without crossing any boundaries.

But you actually want him to cross that line. You want him to try and touch you in places he shouldn't and to check out your bare body. You want him. 

Are the drugs still effecting me?

"Are you okay?" Rosinante asks kindly, his amber eyes locking with yours as he rests his hands on your hips, the contact causing your heart to flutter pleasantly. 

Is he reading my mind? 

You can see that he wants to pull you up to your feet and help you cover up with a towel but he isn't making any attempts to, his soft hands still carefully caressing your skin and his eyes lingering on your mouth for a moment.

However, he surprises you when a new-found confidence takes over him. The blonde leaning in and suddenly catching your lips with his own, his muscular arms pulling your body flush against his as you slowly return the kiss.

You can hear your heart beating in your ears as you deepen the kiss, your face burning from your blush but you love it. The feeling of his lips melding perfectly with yours, his warm hands on your hips and the sense of sincerity in his kiss. It isn't forced, plain or fake in any way.

There's even that small spark that you've only ever heard about in books and movies. But he breaks it all too quickly, one of his hands coming up to cup your cheek and his expression showing signs of worry as his eyes trail to the bathroom door. "We should take this somewhere else, I don't really want another man to see your body..." The blonde admits, a slight shyness in his tone.

A smirk gracing your lips when you realize you've landed yourself a slightly possessive man...nice~ 

"Let's go to your room then, Rosi~"

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