Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nialls POV

The first car pulled up and my heart started to beat out of my chest. The girl behind the tinted window could be my next girlfriend.. Or even wife. I took in a deep breath and quickly looked to my right to find Harry looking down at his feet raising his eyebrows up and down in his own entertainment. I nudged his side to get him to pay attention.

I get it, he doesn’t want to be here but seriously at least fake it for the cameras.

The first girl come out and first I see a cream coloured pumped heal with a red bottom. Christian Loubitons, classy. She finally exited the car and I was just in utter awe.

She had long blonde hair curled and to the side. With a gorgeous big smile on her face. She was wearing a beautiful dress that made her look very slender.

“Told you. Blonde bombshells. You can have her” harry leans over to whisper to me.

I honestly don’t care what he says right now. I walk towards her with a big smile and greet her with a kiss on the cheek and small hug “how are you love?” I ask confidently

“Really nervous but great! It’s so good to meet you both” she says hugging harry when I notice him mouth ‘sure’ I give him a look to show that I’m clearly pissed off at him because that’s just it, I am.

“What’s your name love?” I say to end the negative Nancy over there.

“Lisa” she pulls her hair back again and I’m in utter shock by her beauty. I just hope she’s not as fake as harry thinks. I’m sure management wouldn’t pick fake girls. But I guess we’ll see as the next car pulls up.

(Lisa and her Outfit  )

“Lovely to meet you Lisa, please go in and take a seat, have a drink and we’ll be in shortly” I say give her a quick wink making her blush. This is easy.

Harry’s POV

I know I should seem more excited or at least happy, but I’m not, I know what management are up to and I hate it. I can see them on the side encouraging me to smile more while they talk to more bosses over the phone, they can’t control my mood, especially while I’m tipsy.

But come on the first girl is a blonde tall slender girl like what an absolute joke. I know one thing for sure and that is that I’m not going near her. Niall can have all that.

I can’t stop thinking about the other girl. I just want to meet her already.

The next car pulls up and the first thing I notice are her flats… she’s seriously wearing flats right now. When I look up I notice that she basically looks 14 but at the same time you can tell she’s at least 19 but she’s dressed like a 14 year old. She walks quickly over to us with excited eyes and gives us both hugs.

“It’s so so so nice to meet you guy’s I’m Avia I’m a huge fan” she says pulling me down for a hug. Great. A huge fan girl. Maybe she’ll be fun.

(Avia and her outfit )

“You too babe, go on in and take a seat, have a drink. We’ll be in shortly” I give her a smile which makes her shriek.

“See it’s not too bad” Niall says to me once Ali or whatever he name was gone.

“Whatever” I say rolling my eyes.

Finally another car comes and my fingers cross and I hope it’s the girl I saw earlier.

I wait to see if there identical I was only there for a second but anyway. The girls comes out and I immediately know it’s not her because she has a gold sequence dress on. Seriously c’mon I swear there making me wait for her. This girl is gorgeous though I’m not going to lie. She has a bob hair cut that suits her very well. She’s probably Nialls height without the heals and she has a natural tan.

“Hey guys, I’m Brooke” she has a quirky American accent. Finally some different accents that’s aren’t English.

(Brooke and her outfit )

“Hey babe how are you” Niall and I both synchronize and say at the same time making her giggle.

“Love the accent” Niall says giving her a smile. Okay fine Niall you can have this one. Just don’t steal my mystery girl.

And finally the last car pulls up. Or is it the second last? I’m not quite sure. Whatever is happening in there its taking a long time for them to come out? Maybe it is her and she’s having second thoughts.

It has to be her.

Carie’s POV

(Carie and her outfit )

I’m the last car in the line-up because of my slow drags from the cigarettes. And my heart is beating out of my chest. I don’t get why though I mean I only signed up for this as a bet. But I guess it’s a little exciting to meet two celebs.

The car finally pulls up at the red carpet and I start to shake a little. The driver looks back at me with a smile that says ‘good luck and don’t fall’

“I know you’re not a huge fan of them.. But there nice lads, trust my opinion. I don’t know what you like in Australia but there really genuine” he gives me a more genuine smile before exiting the cab to get my door.

I finally step out and immediately feel blinded by the large lights set up. How do they expect you to walk down here with those shining in your face? I firstly notice all the ‘crew’ standing around with cameras and some with papers while others are talking on their phones.

And finally I notice the two men at the end of the carpet. There both staring at me, not smiling. Oh my god is my dress tucked into my undies? Seriously Carie.

I quickly look down at my dress and pull it down to make sure but its fine. I look back up and notice there both smiling now. What the hell just happened?

I walk up towards them while still holding my dress in place. You know, just in case.

“Hello gorgeous” the blonde one says. He has amazingly blue eyes and a gorgeous big smile. There defiantly more attractive in person. “I’m Niall, but you might already know that” he winks and I take a second to remember that yes there famous. And also that that was a very cocky move.

“hello love, I’m harry what’s your name” I finally see a very tall figure in front of me his green eyes are sparkling but I can see slight redness. He’s had a few drinks I bet.

“I’m Carie, it’s so nice to meet you both” I say shyly. Why am I so quite I’m normally very outgoing and loud?

“Head on in love the other girls are waiting, we’ll be in shortly” Niall I think his name is, says to me. I smile and start to walk.

“Carie” I hear my name and turn around to see the curly hair boy harry looking at me

“It was lovely meeting you” is he really this sweet or is this a joke for media? I give him a smile and begin to walk more into the building of the resort. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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