Winry Rockbell X Male!Reader (FMA) Lemon

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Warning: This story contains Course Language, Sexuality, and Mature Subject Matter. Viewer Discretion is advised. 


Hello everybody, this story is requested by Brave_Vesperia, I thank you for the idea,

and... yeah. I got no enthusiasm in this one. I feel lazy, LOL... But hey. Let's do this.   

Reader: Yeah! Let's look at our options for this one and come up with a plan.

Author: OK, I'll look at our options and come up with a plan. (Clips his finger nails.)

Reader: ...What's wrong with you man?

Author: Personal hygiene is very important...

Reader: ...OK. OK. OK, I'm out. Bye. (leaves in utter confusion) 

After we arrived at one of Scar's hideouts, not too far from central, Mustang told us that Scar wasn't here but one of his accomplices or so called, 'hired muscles', were staying here for the night. Plus he also told us that these guys used to be extremely dangerous mercenaries from the Ishbal civil war. And since they worked for Scar and used to be well-trained mercenaries from the war, these guys should know how and when to put up a fight. 

Mustang told us to wait for a signal to break and enter the hideout, but I had no patience to wait for further orders. Those cocksuckers kidnapped Winry, just so that they could grab attention to the Elric brothers. I bet Scar ordered the mercenaries to do the job. Not only he grabbed the Elric brothers' attention, but also the state military and me. I was furious when I heard about this, I even punched a drunk guy when I was coming over here. I didn't come all the way here just to wait for further orders, but rather save Winry quickly as possible. I looked at Mustang's group waiting behind the bushes, I swiftly moved back and went to the right side of the hideout without Mustang and his group noticing me. I quietly went around the back and found the back door to the hideout, I looked around to see if anybody followed me. I entered through the back door and saw a dark corridor to a lone room that was bright, the door was half-closed so it was easy for me to see what's inside.

I gritted my teeth as I saw four guys and Winry, all tied up and half-naked, sitting down on a chair. It looked like she was gagged with a gag ball and she was tied up in a sexual way, now that actually made me blush hard. I never thought that I'd see her in this situation before. She glares at the four guys as they sat down and drank all the whiskey they had at the table. 

"You know, I'd never thought we'd make twice as much dough just for kidnapping pretty girls like her." One of the guys said. 

"I agree, good thing we were hired by our boss, Scar. Otherwise we'd still be in Ishbal, fighting." One guy stood up and went in front of Winry. Seems like he's the leading guy of the group. I couldn't see her anymore because the guy was in the way, but I heard moans and yelps from Winry, and it looked like the guy was touching her. 

"Don't worry, if the Elric brothers or the money don't come, we still have you as our sex slave." The leader in front of Winry said, as she helplessly struggled to hold herself from moaning. "As a matter of fact, I think we play with you more often!" The leader rips her shirt off, revealing her cleavage while Winry yelps and cries from him fondling with her.  

That does it. 

I soon immediately bashed the door open and took out my pistol towards the men, soon seeing their faces with surprise. I glared at them and gestured them to move to the table, making my way to Winry, who was happy to see me arrive at the right time. 

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