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 Today Jisoo had decided that finally, he would talk to you.

He walked up to your trailer and knocked.

His mouth went agape when he saw you.

His heart pounded and his stomach was filled with butterflies.

"H-hi" he managed to say.

You smiled widely.

A light blush tinted your cheeks.

"H-hi..." You said back.

You had finally spoken to him outside of character as your self.

...And he had  also.

The two of you talked inside your trailer. 

You found it enjoyable to get to know so much more about him.

Talking with him also made your heart pound and your mind go insane.

It made you go crazy and you probably looked crazy too. Smiling ever so hard not being able to look away from him.

His deep voice was incredibly attractive and his smile made you smile immediately.  

Everything about him was perfect.

He chatted with you joyfully.

Though, one thing kept going through his mind.

'Should I ask her out?'

After a long time of debating with himself he was going to pop the question when suddenly.

There was a knock on the door.

It was him.

Nam Joo Hyuk.

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