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I reached for Joo-Hyuk's cup only to tip it over causing the water to go everywhere.

"shoot! sorry" You hoarsely said before grabbing Ji soo's cup and chugging it.

"Aah~ thanks, I needed that!" You said smiling at the two of them.

The two smiled back gently.


You walked with the two of them happily back to the set. It was quiet no one really talked. Quickly the aura got very awkward and  was starting to irritate you,

"Hey aren't you guys friends?"

The boys nodded.

"Then why aren't you guys acting like it? Everything is so tense and awkward...did I do something wrong?" You asked.

I froze when she said that. 

Was she feeling uncomfy with us? 

This was not good.

"[Y.N] that's not it! We're great friends! I'm sorry for making you feel that way" I said before head locking Ji soo and giving him a nuggie.

"Yeah...[Y.N] we're great friends! Sorry for making you feel this way" Spoke Ji soo.

You nodded smiling at the boys,

"No worries, I just thought something happened...Now shall we head back to the set?"

The boy nodded eagerly at you, smiling. 

You continued walking only to miss the boys looking at each awkwardly.

I sighed after glancing at Joo Hyuk and fixing my hair.

I then walked up to her and swung my arm around her shoulders.

'Score' I thought before turning around and winking at Joo Hyuk.

He gasped and then caught up to us before pushing my arm away and grabbing her from me.

After fighting for her,

We each grabbed an arm and happily walked away.

'what is going on with these two?' You thought to yourself as they sandwiched you.

[update! hope y'all liked it. kinda sucked ass..]

[actum] kim ji sooWhere stories live. Discover now