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Larry anb BOb muc lovely eachother but hId if froom lord Cena cuz it might be the illgal so they ran away to far placcc to hide from the john of the CenA.
They when to de very minty kiinngg Harambes to save dem

"Frank you donkey king for allowing us on yourd blessingss" sad Bob da tomatoes.

"Do not mentioned tit may sweat chlid "
"Ok" nodded Larry

Harambe paused ad loook at knew guesses and shoed them the placce to stat in cassstle

The two plants used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, sat off to the side. They were exhausted from their trip.
Lord Doge came in with that harambes, "youall ned 2 lev"
Butt it was 2 lat they raan towads the exite
Horns rang in the distant and there came the JJOOOOOHHHHNNNNN CEEEEENNNNAAAAA

"Noos@ the veggys scammed.
Hulk Cena smashed
The y ded
The end

John Cena X Veggie Tales X Harambe X dogeWhere stories live. Discover now