Chapter 2

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Gideon had gone as far as he wanted to go in the police just three years before. He had decided not to take the detective's job because of the hours it came with. He was happy being lower down on the ladder; it was what he was used to. So when Murray contacted him, those three years ago with an offer to train new recruits, he accepted and gave up his job with the New York police to go back into the Waynflete agency. He liked being in the background and he liked seeing all the young recruits coming in, greener than green and ready to learn. Murray had given him the pick of his lot to give extra training to, outside of the regular hours. And he had to admit, he was pretty impressed. Technically he was still only young, coming up for thirty, but he was at the peak of his training and stamina and he was pleased to see that most of the recruits could keep up with him.

The best part of the whole career move, was that Sammy and Seth were helping him out too. They had been doing the job two years longer than him, but it was great to be back together in the old gang again. Their team had suffered a recent loss, with two members being blown up by a target who had sniffed them out, and so Gideon agreed with Seth and Sammy that they needed a new training regime for the agents.

"We need to ensure we know covert maneuvers to keep ourselves out of sight, that we can attack and survive any fight. That we can identify threats in time to get out and most of all, we need our new recruits to learn to keep an eye on their tail to make sure they're not being followed." Sammy explained as they all sat around the office, deliberating over their new techniques for the recruits that would soon arrive for their initial training. While Sammy and Seth were making sure they wouldn't lose any more agents to, what turned out to be, quite an obvious bomb threat, they had left Darcy in charge. He had shown his worth over the last ten years and with Amilo as his partner, they had made a pretty good agent out of him. Even Amilo wasn't mad at being passed over this time.

But, truth be told, they all missed Reed. Sammy had asked, just after the bombing, if the bosses would get Reed back to retrain all their agents in the style Rudy had trained Reed in. But it was flatly refused. Apparently they didn't want to 'rock the boat' with Murray, who insisted he would quit the day the papers were signed to bring Reed back into the agency. They needed Murray too badly to let him quit for such a silly reason, and so Sammy was given access to Rudy's old training files for ideas. They all would rather have had Reed there in person, but at least his files were up to date and fully detailed. They would get everything they needed from them.

"We could always ask for them to release Rudy into our custody?" Gideon admitted that afternoon, able to see and hear the anger that still lay within Sammy, at having to lose two good men so needlessly. However, as soon as he voiced his suggestion, Seth goggled at him as if he was an alien.

"You can't be serious?" Seth protested, well aware of Rudy's record, as an agent, as a rogue agent and as a pain-in-the-ass prisoner who had attempted to escape fifteen times over the years. Each time he ended up hurting someone, either as little as a nosebleed or as big as a gunshot wound. Seth was pretty sure that the only person who could handle Rudy, outside of the prison guards, was Reed. And they had already established that he wasn't coming back.

"Well its better than him rotting in jail. We need him." Gideon maintained, adamant that without Reed and without a clear training schedule, Rudy was the next best thing to a shake up. To his relief, Sammy agreed and instead of voicing his agreement, he just stood from his seat and left the room, explaining that he was going to call Murray and have the papers drawn up.

"Are you insane? You know he's taking this hard...he wants any option he can get, to train these new recruits properly. But Rudy? The very fact that you suggested him proves that I'm the only one with my head still screwed on straight." Seth argued, before getting up and racing after Sammy. A few minutes passed and Gideon knew he was in trouble. By the time five minutes were gone, he knew he was in for a rollicking from Seth. He came back on his own and gave him a look that would have had him shaking in his boots had he still been a naïve nineteen year old. But he wasn't a child anymore and he still thought bringing someone back to train them old school style was a good idea.

Past, Present and Future - The Devereaux Case Files Book 6Where stories live. Discover now