Chapter Five

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31/08/12: This chapter has been edited.

Thanks so much to simply_juliet for the amazing banner on the side! :D


“I’m sorry, Georgie. I didn’t mean what I said.”

            Connor’s chocolate-colored eyes bore into mine, the intensity of his gaze melting my insides. His look is so sincere; miles away from the usual coldness that glazes his irises. It’s almost like I’m seeing a different person – one more likened to the innocent boy of my childhood.


            “Shh.” He cuts me off by pressing a finger to my lips; his touch is strangely airy, and I wonder if the apparent loss of his solidity is an illusion of my dizzy head. “You don’t need to say anything. Just know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

            And then, before I even have the chance to comprehend what’s happening, Connor’s brought his hands to my cheeks and is gently leaning forwards. I don’t know what I’m doing, but for some reason I’m leaning in too. Closer, closer, the distance between us vanishing at an alarming rate, until…

            I wake up with a jolt, sitting up in bed so fast I almost crick my neck.

            I’m breathing heavily, thoughts racing through my head at lightning speed. Despite this, one of them is completely clear: why the hell was I dreaming Connor?

            More specifically, why was I dreaming about kissing him?

            Is my sub-conscious mind trying to tell me something? God, I really hope not. Being romantically involved with a jerk like him is the last thing I want. With his attitude, I can barely stand being in his presence for longer than thirty seconds. Even before he casually slipped into conversation that he hated me.

            For reasons I don’t quite understand.

            Since when did my life get so confusing?

            Glancing over at my alarm clock, I realize I might as well get up anyway. There’s still another ten minutes until the incessant beeping makes me want to hit it with a sledgehammer, but it’s impossible to go back to sleep after that dream. Even letting it seep back into my mind for a nanosecond gets me feeling flustered.

            I roll out of bed, stumbling towards the mirror to check my reflection. And... wow. I have to say, I’m looking even worse than I usually do on a Monday morning. My curly hair has been reduced to nothing more than a tangled mess of frizz, my oversized nightshirt is crumpled everywhere and my face appears shiny from the layer of perspiration residing on it.

            Brilliant. One dream about Connor’s got me totally hot and bothered.

            After a quick shower, I head towards my closet. Not really in the mood to spend hours picking out an outfit, I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and the first sweatshirt I lay my hands on. Neither are particularly flattering, but if I’m honest, more important things are on my mind.

            Like the fact that Connor’s starting school today.

            “Georgie, there’s some breakfast down here if you want it!”

            Before I can over-think the situation any more, I’m pulled out of my daydream by Mom calling from the kitchen.

            “Yeah, okay. Just coming!”

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