You can use my OC's but plz ask me before doing so~! ^.^
| I don't own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does. ( DUH! If I did the anime would have about 300 more episode by now! ) I don't own any pictures I may use. And I most definitely don't own you! |
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Name: Kishiko Seawing Age: 13-14 | Brithday is June 4th Race: Human Magic: Water Dragon Slayer Magic Guild: She was in a dark guild called Shadow Union but she joined Fairy Tail after Fairy Tail took Shadow Union down Family: Fairy Tail, The Water Dragon Sapphire, and her exceed partner Zara, she doesn't remember her parents Personality: Clumsy, lazy, laid back, always calm, surprisingly strong, kind, and friendly Best Friends: Wendy, Juvia, Aquarius, and Zara | Also all of Fairy Tail but there her best friends | Crush: Lyon Likes: Sleeping, Fairy Tail, Water, Smoothies, Food, Animals, And Cuddling Dislikes: Mean people, Being awoken, Fighting, And Work ( Writhing, Reading ect )