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. He had jet black hair that fell in an 'emo cut', and a pale complexion. He was really tall, about 5'11, and lanky, but his arms looked sorta toned, and I bet there were abs under that ATL tee.

. "You need some help with that?" He said with a smirk. Ok, that just took me liking him, to him being a jerk. I know those smirks, they never lead to anything good.


. "No, I don't. I can do this on my own."

. "Well, ya look kinda short for that. How tall are you? 4"10, 4'11?" He laughed. HE LAUGHED. That is one of my major pet peeves, someone laughing at my height.

. "I'm 5'1 jackass." I glared at him.

. "Aww, the shorty swears." He said as if he was talking to a 4-year-old.

. I tried to stay calm, and not break his jaw, so I just turned around and took a deep breath. Then I started to climb the truck again. Just as I was about to give up, an arm came up and pulled it down. I jumped off and turned around, to face the dude. Come to think of it, he never told me his name.

. "You're welcome shorty, no need to thank me or apologize, I already know what you're gonna say."

. "Yea? Well, I think you're wrong, 'cause I wasn't going to apologize at all, but maybe I was gonna throw in a thank you." I turned around and headed to my new house, "Bye Jackass." I called over my shoulder. I turned to glance at him, and he was still standing there, just staring at me. He's a cocky one, I'll give him that. But hot guys with egos stopped affecting me a while ago.

. That night after eating and unpacking a bit, I sat in the fourth bedroom, that I was turning into my music room. The only things in here so far were my turntables, guitar, microphones, and my drum kit. There were still things to set up but I was too lazy for that right now. So I put plugged my phone in, and played Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings. I jammed out to it on my drums not missing a beat. This was one of the first songs I learned the drums to.

. When the song was done, I heard talking downstairs, so I went to go eavesdrop. Its a bad habit, I know. When I got down there, I was shocked to say the least. The jackass was standing there in basketball shorts and a loose v-neck. Now let me explain, that looks have never stopped me to do anything. I met a model and told her she was stuck up, I met Justin Bieber and told him that he was a drug addict, and I met Demi Lavato and told her to keep her hair natural, and not go around looking like a lollipop. But when I saw him there, I was speechless.........for a few seconds, because then I tuned into their conversation.

. "Your son needs to keep it down, people are trying to sleep!" he sounded frustrated.

. "It's not my son! I don't even have a son, I don't know what you're talking about."

. "Well then your freakin nephew or husband or dog. Whoever it is needs to shut up!"

. "I don't have any of those! Its not like you're going to be going to bed at 9:00 anyways."

. I think that got to him because his frustration changed to anger, I could see it in his expression and how his stance changed. Ok, I analyze things, sue me. But I wondered what it was that hit home, but I didn't have to wait to long for my answer.

. "It isn't me I'm worried about going to sleep, it's my 5-year-old sister!" he yelled at her.

. That's when I step in, "Woah there Benny boy don't you start yelling at my mum. I'm the one making the noise, not her, or her nonexistent dog for that matter. Look, I'll stop the music, ok? And, I'll go apologize to your sister personally." I started pulling on my socks and vans, and grabbing my sweatshirt that was laying on top of the couch."Just chill out, you were starting to get a little red back there. Mum, I'll be right back. I started to exit the house, "C'mon dude, we don't have all night."

. I started walking down the driveway, "You don't have to apologize to her", he was still on the porch.

. "Yes, I do. I'm not stopping my nightly drumming because of you, jerk, it's because you said it was for your sister. Plus, I have to know if there really is a sister, or if I just interrupted you getting it on with some slut."

. I was pretty far when he called from the end of my driveway, "You're going the wrong way shorty!"

. I just turned around and walked back, and then past him, going the right way this time. And he actually started walking behind me too. I'm guessing there really is a sister. Or maybe he just wants to rub a slut in my face. Hopefully he doesn't literally do that. *shudders* That'd be horrendous.

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