I promise

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Killian's POV:
I slumped down onto a bench on the docks and slammed my fist into the table, as the knuckles connected to the wood I felt them crunching, but it actually didn't hurt... it just gave me a different pain to think about other then the Emma shaped hole in my heart.

I knew I had to see her... I had to save her, I only left to save her and it seems like that's what's making her hurt the most. I guess I underestimated the power of true love.

I looked down at my hand and saw the damage I'd done as blood poured down my first.
I definitely need stitches but I'm not going back to my ship because she'll be there... and I'm not supposed to see Emma so I can't go to the hospital, but on the other hand I guess this is the perfect excuse!

End of POV:

Killian stood up instantly and ran towards the hospital.
Suddenly a figure appeared from behind a building almost making Killian fall on his face.
"And where might you be going?" Anne asked as Killian regained his balance
"The hospital," he clenched his jaw trying to walk round her but she put a hand on his chest to stop him
"I told you what would happen if you went to HER!" Her eyes suddenly dilated and her grip on his coat tightened
"I'm going there for me not her..." he told her grabbing her hand as she noticed the cuts on his knuckles
"Oh my god... what happened?" She asked holding his hand up to her face
"I fell and used the wrong side of hand to stop me," he laughed pulling his hand away
"I'm sorry, come on let's go and get you stitched up," she smiled pulling his arm
"Actually... I think you should go back to the ship and wait for me there," he said stopping
"Why?" She asked turning to face him
"Because I don't want you to see me in pain," he looked at the floor
"I don't mind," she smiled pulling his chin up so that he could look in her eyes
"I do," he laughed awkwardly "please... go back to the ship I'll make it up to you I promise!" He said pulling her waist in
"What's gotten into you?" Anne giggled
"I realised you were right and that punch from the kid knocked some sense into me, I was distracted... but not any more!" He smiled kissing her on the forehead
"Ok fine... but don't be late!" She giggled kissing him passionately on the lips and then walking away.

Killian wiped his lips then starts running to the hospital again, he had to lie to her or he wouldn't be able to save Emma.

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