And the beef starts.

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(Katelyn in the picture)

As Maddison and Katelyn reach Burger King they get out and goes inside to place their orders because the drive-thru was to packed as we walk out we bump into Jennifer and her dusty ass friends. Maddison looks at Jennifer as Jennifer mean mugs her then all of a sudden Maddison feels a strong grab that pulls her towards the car the strong grab was  Katelyn as they get in the car Maddison says " Katelyn why'd you grab me? That bitch ain't want no smoke man " Katelyn says " I grabbed you because that bitch Jennifer and her dusty ass friends like to jump people , look it was like 5 of them and 2 of us and besides we to bad to be fighting" Maddison laughs as she feels her phone vibrates and she looks down at it and sees that's it Trey calling .. Maddison answers the phone and says " hello " Trey said " hello is this Maddison ? " Maddison smiles a little as she says " yeah this is her " then Trey asks her " Would you like to come with me to my dorm? Just to chill? and I promise you I will not try to bust any kind of moves I will even have the door open the ENTIRE time if you want me to? Maddison busts out laughing and says " Trey I believe you , what time do you want me to be there???" Trey says " uhh..9:30? will that be good?" Maddison says yeah , that's fine I'll be there then Maddison hangs up the phone and looks at Katelyn. Katelyn looks at Maddison while she's driving then looks back on the road and says " sooooo where you going to be at ?" Maddison laughs and says " um , trey wants me to go to his dorm tonight just to chill he said if I don't feel comfortable with the door closed he will leave it open .. god he's sweet Katelyn gasps and says " be honest girl , are you going to pop ya puh puh for him tonight ?" Maddison eyes widen " No of course not! I will have to wait a good 4 or 5 months before ANY of that happens girl!" Katelyn laughs " girl cmon I'm just jo-- " Katelyn gets cut off by her phone ringing and sees its Ar'mon she answers the phone and says " hello ? , " Ar'mon says " hey beautiful princess um I was wondering .. uh would you like to come to my dorm tonight? Believe me Maddison will be there so will trey .. so you know nothing won't go down " Katelyn says " of course .. I'll be there whenever time Maddison go!" Armon smiles and says bye then hangs up" When Maddison & Katelyn arrived back at the college then they went up to their dorm took showers and did their hair , they walk out their dorm-room
door start walking Katelyn says " wait .. Maddison .. where the hell they dorms at? " Maddison laughs and shakes her head and says " I'll call trey and ask" Maddison calls trey and asks what dorm they're in , Trey tells her they're in H115 As they start to walk downstairs because the elevators broken guess who they bump into Jennifer so when they see Jennifer and her bestfriend Amber they walk past them and flips their hair and continues to walk to armon and trey dorm when they get there they see Armon and Trey standing outside of their dorm and the boys turns around as they hear their heels click then right before they could get to armon and trey good ... Jennifer grabs....

TBC 🤘🏾

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