July 4th

23 1 0

Independence Day One-Shot; Part 2


*Mega Porn Warning*

A familiar sensation consumes me as he pushes me onto his throbbing cock. I hadn't even noticed him pull it out. Probably because his fingers were doing such an amazing job. If only he was someone else- anyone else. Sadly, I know that not just anyone can make me feel the way he does. God, this man can still work so many breathtaking wonders.

Again and again he pounds inside of me. He's lips sucking vigorously on mine. It's like he's hungry, that's how harshly he uses his mouth. I'll have so many reminders of him after this. It's nothing that makeup can't fix -besides my swollen lips and weeping erection- but I'm honestly not sure if I want it to. He does such a great job, I wouldn't want it to go to waist.

He hits my G-spot repeatedly. It's nothing new, but it's definitely something to long for. No one can make me feel like he does. No one can work it like he does. It's not just sex with him that does this to me. It's not lust that had me coming back for more. But I wish it was. The deeper it goes, the more I realize that.

I bite my lips roughly in an attempt to withhold my moans. Jonas lets out an almost angry groan. He whispers in my ear, controlling pants of his own, "Moan for me, Jay. Let it out. I need to hear you moan."

"Mmm, Jo, please. What if someone hears?" I sputter out.

He slows his pace so that he can get his words out correctly instead of breathing out heavy groans. "Then they'll hear, and if they decide to investigate then they'll just have to watch, now won't they?"

A heavy breath leaves my body, and I honestly don't know whether it's from what he just said or the sex. Truthfully, I don't care. I can barely think straight due to the fact that Jason fucks like one of the Devil's angels. I'm not complaining at the moment, but I'll definitely beat myself up for it later.

My fingers grip at his hair as he rubs his thumb over my tip. He's the same ole tease, that hasn't changed. But man does it feel good when his pumping inside of me. The feel of him stroking my member causes my body to trimble. My back arches as he goes deeper and faster.

The sloppy sound of his bare skin slapping against mine fills the alley along with my moans and his controlled groans. It's a familiar sound that comforts me in a sickening way. It lulls me into a state of satisfaction that causes me to grind against him, begging for release. This is much better than fapping, I'll give him that.

"Mm, fasterrr" I moan, refraining from moaning his name. If his name would've left my lips it would've been a boner killer and a major turn off. I came to far to not have this orgasm.

"I- I'm co- coming." I moan out, letting beads of sweat trickle down very exposed part of my body.

He lets me orgasm before pulling out. It was a smart choice to finish himself off. He leans forward, resting himself against both of his hands, on the wall, on either side of me, riding off the orgasm. I'll give it to him, he's always been the most handsome when it came the end. His features are so focused... so flawless. His orgasm face is the best, it makes him look so perfectly made. His slender, masculine body stiffens in a tensing manners. It gets to the point where he looks like he's flexing, which is also very hot.

He backs up, allowing me to fix myself. Once my cloths are on and I clean up as much as I possibly can, his soft, familiar arms wrap around my waist. I'm pulled into his broad chest, with no space between the two of us. I gently remove his hands and push him the fuck off of me.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asks, truly puzzled.

A dry laugh leaves my lips. "Are you fucking kidding me? Jonas, leave me alone. We're both better off forgetting about each other."

"What- What's wrong with you? You were perfectly fine just a few minutes ago, judging from the expression that was coating your perfectly made face." The red blush tries to creep on it's way up but I force it back down. "The past is the past, James. Let's just move on." He says reaching out to caress my cheek. I back away.

"How do you expect me to move on from that, exactly, Jonas? The only reason you even say that is so you won't have to feel so much guilt." The words are accusing, but I'm sure of them.

"What are you babbling about, James? I've done nothing to you, so why should I feel guilty?"

"You've done nothing?" I yell. "You know the sick deed that you've done, and the havoc you wreak." My anger begins to boil wildly. This guy is sick.

"What did I do that was soooo fucking bad, Jameson?" He said stretching the 'so'.

"You left me!" I scream. My emotions completely taking over as I refrain from hitting him in an act of rage. "When they caught us in that locker room, you left me. You pushed me away like I was some stranger and you ran. You fucking ran! You know, that hurt the worst of all. More than everything else. I suffered so many beating and so much ridicule from that, that I had to flee. They bullied me so much that I had to leave the state. I couldn't tell my parents, and you know why. All they would've said is 'you deserve it' or 'I regret bringing you into this world'. Do you know how much that hurts? It's not like I want to be this way, you made me like this!"

He gets an angry yet confused expression on his face. "How the hell could I have 'made' you?" He screams like he had some sort of right to be upset. "You wanted me just as much as I wanted you!"

"Because I loved you! You made me love you. You, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Lucifer, and the fucking Sopranos know that." I scream. "I didn't want that." I almost sob.

"Look, James, I'm sorry-" he attempts to sigh out.

"No you're not! You could've stopped it. I expected you to defend me, I hoped you'd defend me, I wanted you to defend me. Not because you love me, because it's highly fucking apparent that you don't..." my words begin to drift off into nothing. "I wanted you to do it as my lover, for your lover."

We sit in silence as I try to contain my tears and hurt feelings. "Look, this was fun and we should definitely not do it again, but I have things to attend to and a new life to live, that -gladly- doesn't involve you." With those final words, I begin to leave.

"Aren't you going to ask why I came back?" Jonas asks, knowing my curiosity would have soon taken over me.

"Why?" I ask, turning back to face him.

He leans on the wall with crossed arms. His dark brown hair falls in front of his face only giving room for his glowing dark brown eyes to pierce into mine. His normal black attire makes his skin glow more than it already does. It takes all my might to resist the irresistible. "Because I love you too, and I will not stop... not until you love me again."

"I'm sorry, Jonas." For the first time in my life, despite it all- all the pain, the suffering, and the fact that I'd never thought I'd say those words or ever mean them- I meant it. "It's Independence Day, and I've gained it from that hellish town, those people- my parents. I need my Independence, but, now, I need it from you."

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