#LoveMe Challange

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Alright so I was tagged by CrystalRose00 to do this challenge that I never heard about.

So basically you can do it in the comments or publish it (but I can't be bothered writing it all in comments) so I shall do this here

So basically you can do it in the comments or publish it (but I can't be bothered writing it all in comments) so I shall do this here

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Yep I made the thing with questions so it will make it easier for me and you guys.

1. Well the reason I am doing it , it's because I was tagged in it and I feel like it's a nice tag , and really positive

2. To be honest, I am not sure,  but I think the only positive word that can describe me , it's Different, cause I am different and I feel like it should be a positive thing

3. Note to past me:

Dear Vicky from the past

I know that you went through a lot. You felt too much pain , stress and even depression and anger. But the truth is, it's not important in your life to feel thouse stuff, and you know that but you let it sink into you. Remember that future awaits you , and you shouldn't look behind you  and walk further , cause the further you go , the better.

4. Note to Future self:

Dear future Vicky

Now you listen , I hope your life went fine and that you are now more confident with yourself , and I hope that you are happy. I hope that you succeed what we both wanted and that you aren't afraid of challenges in life or you aren't worried about some tinny stuff, cause let's be honest, I feel like being worried about so much stuff , it's pointless and unhealthy (it's ironic cause I worry about too many things now) so be safe, have the future you wanted , and stay freaking safe....also I hope you slapped your sister for me and met Gemi...I had to add this in here.

5. I was going to say my phone but it's not really important to me , the most important thing that I have is, a picture of me and my two friends from a party we had last year, it's too dear to me and you have to bury me with it

6. "Worrying doesn't take away the troubles of tomorrow, but today's peace"

7. A fear of scary things, cause I use to be easily scared but not anymore.

8. I like the fact that I am really kind to people,  I don't go all hate or shout or anything , I just reply kindly , say hi to every teacher or other people that pass me by in the corridor , and I don't ignore people , and I help people , giving them advices even tho I have my own problems

9. Well I am not sure, probably the fact that I don't wear any make up , that makes me natural, and beautiful, instead of plastic and barbie doll like.

10. I always love to wear something comfortable,  like jumpers, and sweat pants, or loose jeans , or over sized shirts, I like wearing things that are comfortable

11. My imagination that I have , and how I act around people and do things,  cause my imagination is really different from any other person that I know , my imagination goes beyond the limits , and if I were to go into my imagination for the whole day,  I would.

12. Well , the thing that makes me happy , is when people smile towards me , when they are happy that I am happy,  when I know that I am helpful to someone and they really are happy about my help, when people notice me and want to spend time with me, the fact that people brighten up when ever I say something nice or help them , i love the feeling of knowing that I helped someone a lot and they are happy about it , because I feel like I can make someone else happy just by little things , or even when I update something or make something for someone and they are exited about it and happy that I did that for them , it makes me really happy.

13. Jokes , funny things that happen , nice puns and comebacks , fun situations

14. Well , to be honest, I am not sure,  I think I will go with , the fact that I am unique and different , that I don't wear make up or wear some weird clothes that want to take my breathing away,  and I don't go with the new fashion everyone has , I just wear what suits me .

So yeah here is the challenge/ tag thing

I shall tag some girls I know that are beautiful even if they say they aren't (the tag is ment for girls btw)


And other girls that will see this , they are tagged too.

And remember, who ever is reading this, no matter what people say, you are beautiful and unique, and special, flaws are also something that makes you special and beautiful because without flaws , people are too perfect, and imperfect people are unique and amazing in my opinion.

Stay fabulous my friends.

Bye and see ya later

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