New York, 2017

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New York, 2017

Jem looked yearningly at the violin in the windowshop. He felt a familiar tug to hold the bow and speak his feelings through music. His hollowness of solitude and aching in his chest to recognize something familiar in this strange world. However he had no memory of playing such a device or the money. He looked down at his worn out clothes again wondering who he was. He could tell through the faded colors it was quite fancy. Was he rich before? Maybe a famous musician. He smiled wryly at himself, that seemed really ridiculous.

Penelope was walking out of a bakery with an ice cream in hand for the humid summer day. She glances back and forth feeling heat tint her cheeks as she finds posters of her artwork for the animal shelter hung around. Penelope sighs to herself amidst inspecting her golden-strewn works.

A pale silver haired boy catches her attention. He looked extremely out of place around all her gold artwork and the gold lining of the music shop he was standing before. He looked extremely ragged at closer look with clothes that seemed to use to be fancy. Almost European fancy. Penelope briskly crossed the street when a car beeped her. She hadn't realized she'd starting wandering straight onto the road. She headed straight toward the silver bosomed boy.

Jem jerked around with incredible speed to a gastrous noise of a car's honk. He was especially jittery these days, an instinct he was building up. He missed the days when he wasn't always looking over his shoulder, not that he could remember those times. He almost expected a monster to jump out of every shadow which was ridiculous.

Jem had forgotten about his urge to play the violin in that second allowed himself to peel away from the shop's window. He glanced around expertly analyzing his surroundings when he cocked an eyebrow at a red headed girl seemingly to head his way. Jem turned around and walked the other way.

Penelope frowned. She thought for sure the boy emanating a powerful aura of warm yet icy cold silver had seen her. His eyes brushed around so fast and carefully she wouldn't have noticed if she wasn't staring intently at him. He suddenly turned around and walked the opposite direction.

Penelope broke into a half run then stopped herself frowning at the back of the boy's head. His dark hair was tinted a light icy cold silver. Odd color to dye one's hair she thought. It would make most look old but not him. It seemed to highlight his best features... Why was she so drawn to this boy?!

Jem kept on walking. He knew the redheaded girl was still looking upon his back but he could somehow keep his cool. Jem continued calmly down the street and turned a corner to an old church. His blood suddenly run cold and he stood there shock still. Jem's head thumped as if it were his heart and felt feelings and senses pooring into him. He gasped and breathed uneven breaths. A few blinks and everything was gone as suddenly as it had started. His vision and head was as clear as the sky.

As the feelings left him Jem grasped desperately for them. He understood... those were memories. His memories. But they were gone and he once again became familiarized with the hollowness in his chest.

Penelope shook off her thoughts of the mysterious silver haired boy. He was gone now. Penelope chided herself as she headed down the street. Finally her thoughts wandered away from the mysterious boy. It's great to be back in New York. Boarding school is awfully boring but I'm glad my parents let me vacation here. Penelope hated using her father's money however. She disagreed with their work... In that moment she saw another flash of silver. She turned her head down a narrow shady street to see the mysterious silver boy. His back was toward her she noticed vaguely.

Hello! Are you lost? Penelope asked brightly. She didn't often start conversations herself and often rejected others but something about the boy drew her in.

Jem let out a short gasp as an unfamiliar voice entered his head. He turned around but he didn't have enough time to build up walls and mask the emotions churning within him his memories had knocked down. Jem felt a stab of fear. She could see right through him. ...
Penelope didn't want to stare into the boy's silver eyes. They shocked her.No one could have silver eyes naturally unless... This was another one of her hallucinations. His silver eyes drew her in and she couldn't look away. They were fearless and kind, but battered over and hidden with wildness and desperation. He looked extremely lost. Before she could understand, all emotion left. The silver haired boy's eyes were clear and sharp and alert. He was closed to her.

A-Are you ok? Penelope muttered under the boy's piercing stare. Are you lost?... I'm kind of lost. You see... Penelope started inventing some fantastic story about being lost in the huge city of New York. She could do that sometimes under stress, talk a mile a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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